Marc Comtois
When it happened, I was sitting at work, much as I will be today. I had a wife, a 2 year old and a 1 year old. As it would turn out, I wasn’t personally–directly–affected by the tragic events on 9/11. That puts me in the majority. Yet, like everyone, my life and that of…
Interesting observation from Jean Kaufman: Traditionally, conservatives have distrusted Republicans from blue states. The usual path to election for a blue-state Republican has been the RINO road. It seemed to make sense, too, for candidates to think that the way to appeal to the Democrats and independents necessary to win an election in a blue…
What is 4:1? The ratio of people who stopped looking for jobs as compared to those who found one in August. James Pethokoukis: – Nonfarm payrolls increased by only 96,000 in August, the Labor Department said, versus expectations of 125,000 jobs or more. The manufacturing sector, much touted by the president in his convention speech,…
It’s OK, you can break up with him.
(H/t Helen Glover for the idea).
Better off? Under President Obama… Jan-09 Today Gasoline $1.84 $3.84 National Debt $10.6 Trillion $16 Trillion Unemployment 7.80% 8.30% # Unemployed 11.98 million 12.8 million Median Income $53,410 $50,964 # Food Stamp Users 31.98 million 46.7 million Poverty Rate 13.20% 15.70% Oil (Europe), barrel $41.22 $113 Oil (Texas), barrel $38.57 $95 Gold, oz $853 $1,690…
….and are you better off?
Isn’t it amazing that various, different “fact check” outfits all seemed to focus on virtually the same items from GOP VP Candidate Paul Ryan’s speech last night? “The Five Biggest Lies of Paul Ryan’s Convention Speech” ~ New Republic “Top 5 Fibs In Paul Ryan’s Convention Speech” ~ Talking Points Memo “Ryan Takes Factual Shortcuts…
In June, the North Kingstown School Committee voted to privatize the union jobs of 26 custodians. Twenty of the twenty-six were re-hired by the private company–GCA–that was brought in to take over. The committee voted to award a bid to GCA to privatize the district’s custodial department and will plan to award the contract at…
Let me just say this: I’m glad the media has gotten over their (semi-justified, though hyperbolic) derision of the Gemma voter fraud presentation (and all the professional analysis claiming nothing doin’) and is looking into his claims. WPRI took the lead, but now the ProJo has some video of a man who claims to be…