
Senator Irons’ Flawed Defense

By Carroll Andrew Morse | July 31, 2008 |

Former Rhode Island Senate President William Irons’ initial line of defense against charges brought against him by the Rhode Island Ethics Commission rests, first, on a claim of immunity that has never before been recognized in the law and, second, on a claim that a judge can use an interpretation of the law without precedent…

Alert David Mittell…

By Carroll Andrew Morse | July 8, 2008 |

From Andrew M. Seigel, Associate Professor at the Seattle University School of Law, posting at Prawfsblawg (h/t Orin Kerr via Instapundit)…Without further ado, here is my highly subjective lists of the ten people most likely to find themselves on the Supreme Court at the end of a first Obama term… (8) Deval Patrick–Was already on…

Lincoln Courthouse Delayed at Least a Year

By Carroll Andrew Morse | March 27, 2008 |

With the other excitement going on in state government yesterday, this news-nugget, here reported on by Edward Fitzpatrick of the Projo, flew in a bit under-the-radar…Construction of the proposed $71-million Blackstone Valley Courthouse will be postponed for a year and commence in fiscal year 2010, Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank J. Williams said yesterday during…

First Circuit Nomination Surprise: William Smith

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 6, 2007 |

Eagle-eyed William Felkner calls my attention to this news-breaking White House Press Release…Nominations Sent to the Senate Ricardo H. Hinojosa, of Texas, to be a Member of the United States Sentencing Commission for a term expiring October 31, 2013. (Reappointment) Ricardo H. Hinojosa, of Texas, to be Chair of the United States Sentencing Commission. (Reappointment)…

Clarence Thomas

By Donald B. Hawthorne | November 15, 2007 |

Think of the way some people have sought to portray Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Then check out this video of him. Hard not to respect the man and see his depth. (h/t Power Line) Check out his book, too.

The RI Lead Paint Case: Sherwin-Williams Versus DuPont?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 2, 2007 |

According to a report published by Legal Newsline, paint manufacturer Sherwin-Williams wants the Rhode Island courts to take a closer look at how DuPont’s lead-paint agreement money is being spent, and what that says about what the costs of lead remediation should be…Sherwin-Williams is requesting that two portions of DuPont’s settlement with the State be…

Impeach Frank Williams?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 22, 2007 |

Kevin McKenna, president of the 1986 Rhode Island Constitutional Convention, writes in today’s Projo that he believes Frank Williams’ participation in the traffic tribunal magistrate selection process created by the General Assembly to be an impeachable offense…Chief Justice Frank Williams’s Oct. 11 “appointment” of William R. Guglietta, chief legal counsel to Majority Leader Gordon D.…

Of Federal Judges and Federal Candidates

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 24, 2007 |

1. According to Charles Bakst in Sunday’s Projo, Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian is more interested in running for House or Senate at a future undisclosed date than he is in running for governor in 2010…[Lincoln Chafee] says he’d welcome a gubernatorial bid by Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian, a close ally. Avedisian, who says he has…

Senator Montalbano’s Flawed Defense, Part 1

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 4, 2007 |

Rhode Island Senate President Joseph Montalbano wants four of the charges brought against him by the Rhode Island Ethics Commission thrown out on the grounds that “members of the General Assembly cannot be prosecuted for an offense based on a past legislative act such as voting”. The legal claim is based on the “speech-in-debate” clause…

Corrente over Flanders for the First Circuit Judgeship?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 31, 2007 |

National Review Online Capitol Hill correspondent David Freddoso is reporting that President Bush is leaning towards appointing Robert Corrente to the First Circuit Court of Appeals over Robert Flanders, the choice recommended by former Senator Lincoln Chafee…In March 2006, liberal former Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R) had been asked by the White House to submit three…