National Politics

Same Old Story: Clinton is a Deceitful & Dishonest Man Who Has No Principles

By | September 18, 2005 | Comments Off on Same Old Story: Clinton is a Deceitful & Dishonest Man Who Has No Principles

This story shows the latest example of just how unprincipled a man Bill Clinton is. Power Line has a strongly-worded response. For a man who (i) had shady dealings with a range of Communist Chinese or their agents; (ii) passed up an opportunity to capture bin Laden when he was offered to the USA before…

John Roberts Confirmation Hearings

By Marc Comtois | September 12, 2005 |

The hearings for Chief Justice-in-waiting John Roberts begin today and can be seen and heard via C-SPAN beginning at 11:30 AM. As C-SPAN “warns,” however: On Monday, the multi-day Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts begin. They are expected to last all week. First, will be a series of opening statements by the…

Rancid Pork Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

By | September 11, 2005 |

The domestic spending habits of the Republican Congress were criticized in an earlier posting about the Chafee-Laffey race. Previous postings (here and here) discussed the outrageous spending contained in the recently passed highway bill. Another posting discussed how actions by the small, but powerful, sugar lobby go against the interest of average Americans. The energy…

No Refugees in America

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 7, 2005 | Comments Off on No Refugees in America

I explain why in my current TechCentralStation column.

Blame before relief? I don’t think so.

By | September 3, 2005 |

President Bush made his way to Louisiana and surrounding states to view the devastation firsthand, but many are questioning why it didn’t happen earlier. Why did the President fly by on Wednesday, but not actually tour the leveled cities? That is a sound question, and whether we’re Republicans, Democrats, or anything else, we expect our…

Tapscott: Has GOP Lost Its Soul?

By Donald B. Hawthorne | August 22, 2005 |

Mark Tapscott has written a powerful editorial asking Has the GOP Lost Its Soul? …Their differences [between President Reagan and Alaskan GOP Rep. Young] are nowhere more evident than on limiting government and reducing federal spending. Reagan said in his first inaugural speech that “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the…

The Real Lesson of the Ohio Election?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 17, 2005 |

Dean Barnett (another conservative New Englander) has an excellent analysis in the Weekly Standard of the Democratic side of the recent Ohio special Congressional election, where a veteran Republican edged out a Democratic newcomer in a solidly Republican district. However, I think the real lesson for Republicans is contained in this paragraph from Barnett…The Republicans…

They’re not Anti-War, They’re just on the Other Side

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 12, 2005 | Comments Off on They’re not Anti-War, They’re just on the Other Side

Mac has recently published a couple of columns in the New York Post and National Review on media coverage and criticism of the war in Iraq. At The Corner, he has also posted a response from someone who is, in the words of Glenn Reynolds, not anti-war, but just on the other side.

To Stop Religious Terrorism, Permit Religious Politics

By Justin Katz | August 3, 2005 | Comments Off on To Stop Religious Terrorism, Permit Religious Politics

For my column — which will now be appearing every other Wednesday — I pondered the formation of London’s homegrown Muslim terrorists: “Exploding Across Arm’s-Length Tolerance.” The bottom line is that the common thread that runs through the astute explanations — the root cause, if you will — is disengagement. And pushing religion, and the…

Favors for Everyone Except the Taxpaying Masses

By | August 3, 2005 | Comments Off on Favors for Everyone Except the Taxpaying Masses

An editorial entitled Meet the New Special-Interest U.S. Congress by George Melloan continues an ongoing discussion about the perverse incentives that drive public sector behaviors: …Taxpayers can rest easier now that the denizens of Capitol Hill have gone home for their August holiday. But those worthies have left behind a trail littered with the favors…