National Politics

Iraq, the War on Terror, & American Politics

By | October 29, 2005 | Comments Off on Iraq, the War on Terror, & American Politics

A Wall Street Journal editorial today says this: Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation took nearly two years, sent a reporter to jail, cost millions of dollars, and preoccupied some of the White House’s senior officials. The fruit it has now borne is the five-count indictment of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the Vice President’s Chief of Staff–not for…

Owens: Keep Posse Comitatus As Is

By Marc Comtois | October 26, 2005 | Comments Off on Owens: Keep Posse Comitatus As Is

Mac Owens (a contributor to this site) has a column up over at National Review explaining both the history of the Posse Comitatus Act, which defines the line between the militia (or National Guard) and U.S. military, and why it shouldn’t be changed despite the recent events surrounding Hurricane Katrina.

Raising the Bar: Expecting Greatness From Our Political Leaders

By | October 5, 2005 |

In a comment to a previous posting, Will writes: …what’s important here is the need to address the substance of the problems mentioned herein, and not just attack the messenger. Ignoring problems doesn’t make them go away. All it usually does is lead to greater problems down the road. That comment directly relates to the…

The Republican “Economy Bloc” in the Senate

By Marc Comtois | September 30, 2005 |

Robert Novak wrote of a successful rebuttal of a bi-partisan attempt in the U.S. Senate to spend more of our tax dollars under the auspices of “Katrina Aid.” The Senate was up to its old tricks Monday evening. It prepared to pass, without debate and under a procedure requiring unanimous consent, a federal infusion of…

Cutting the Fat: The New Porkbuster Site

By | September 18, 2005 |

Andrew has started the debate here in Rhode Island, asking why we are spending highway bill pork in RI at a time of national need in New Orleans. In what is likely to be another example of how the blogosphere is changing politics, take a look at this posting from Instapundit about various bloggers looking…

Same Old Story: Clinton is a Deceitful & Dishonest Man Who Has No Principles

By | September 18, 2005 | Comments Off on Same Old Story: Clinton is a Deceitful & Dishonest Man Who Has No Principles

This story shows the latest example of just how unprincipled a man Bill Clinton is. Power Line has a strongly-worded response. For a man who (i) had shady dealings with a range of Communist Chinese or their agents; (ii) passed up an opportunity to capture bin Laden when he was offered to the USA before…

John Roberts Confirmation Hearings

By Marc Comtois | September 12, 2005 |

The hearings for Chief Justice-in-waiting John Roberts begin today and can be seen and heard via C-SPAN beginning at 11:30 AM. As C-SPAN “warns,” however: On Monday, the multi-day Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts begin. They are expected to last all week. First, will be a series of opening statements by the…

Rancid Pork Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

By | September 11, 2005 |

The domestic spending habits of the Republican Congress were criticized in an earlier posting about the Chafee-Laffey race. Previous postings (here and here) discussed the outrageous spending contained in the recently passed highway bill. Another posting discussed how actions by the small, but powerful, sugar lobby go against the interest of average Americans. The energy…

No Refugees in America

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 7, 2005 | Comments Off on No Refugees in America

I explain why in my current TechCentralStation column.

Blame before relief? I don’t think so.

By | September 3, 2005 |

President Bush made his way to Louisiana and surrounding states to view the devastation firsthand, but many are questioning why it didn’t happen earlier. Why did the President fly by on Wednesday, but not actually tour the leveled cities? That is a sound question, and whether we’re Republicans, Democrats, or anything else, we expect our…