National Politics
Greg Wallace at What Attitude Problem? highlights this week’s news on General Motors, building on the news previously highlighted here on this blogsite. First, a Washington Post article states: General Motors Corp., the world’s biggest automaker, has offered buyout and early retirement packages to some of its nonunion, salaried workforce in North America as the…
Read this posting for a very detailed and informative writeup on the Islamic jihadists arrested in Lodi, California. Lots of links to follow in the posting. The posting begins: As put by Rusty at Jawa Report, “Four men have been arrested in Lodi California, two on suspicion of aiding al Qaeda and two on immigration…
A June 5 posting on RI Policy Analysis links to a new Business Week article on the financially insolvent public pensions. …the cost of retirement has continued its steady climb. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, major public pension plans paid out $78.5 billion in the 12 months ended Sept. 30, 2000. By the comparable…
June 5 marks the one-year anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s death. This posting provides links to many special moments in the President’s life and brings back many fond memories of a great man. Follow all the links, they are a treat. Here is an article from the Washington Times.
Power Line offers a valuable posting on the judicial filibuster debate. The posting adds to other informative postings about the judicial filibuster debate on this site, including: The Filibuster…Continued The Injustice of Smearing A Fellow American For Political Gain The Senate Judicial Filibuster: Power Politics & Religious Bigotry Mac Owen’s open letter to Senator Chaffee…
here is a good piece from the LA Times on why the compromise on judicial filibusters was a bad idea, and essentially unconstitutional to boot. The author was at one time the dean of BU’s law school
Patrick Ruffini, Republican pollster/blogger, has unveiled his 2008 Presidential Election Tracker. Here’s how it works. Throughout the day, the Wire goes out and scours blog and MSM feeds for news about 22 potential Presidential candidates, both Democrat and Republican. The result is a tool where you can not only read all the news about a…
This report is simply over-the-top and contributes to the ongoing destruction of civil society in America: Hollywood once again jumps into bitter DC politics when an episode of NBC’s Law & Order: Criminal Intent suggests a judge killer would wear a ‘Tom DeLay’ T-Shirt! The House Majority Leader plans a letter of protest later this…
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell gave this speech on the Senate floor prior to the capitulation by the 7 Republican senators. It offers a history lesson and is complementary to this posting by Mac Owens.
If you want another example of how misguided incentives in the public sector lead to bad outcomes, here is another pathetic example (available from the WSJ for a fee): …What’s meaningful about the [highway] bill the Senate passed yesterday…is just how quickly and utterly some Republicans have abandoned all spending principle. The 89-11 Senate vote…