
Obama Stimulus Helps RI’s Invisible Districts

By Marc Comtois | November 17, 2009 |

Thanks to President Obama’s stimulus package, RI’s 86th Congressional District has netted $10.2 million in aid and has had 58 jobs created (or saved)! The district, which encompasses the Williams and Franklin households in Ashaway, was given funds based on a proposal to open a low footprint, “green” factory for the manufacture of 100% eco-friendly…

State of Virginia to Change Name

By Marc Comtois | July 6, 2009 |

Virginia Delegate Ima Harlot and Senator Justin “Jus” A. Gigolo proposed matching legislation in each chamber that would change the name of the state of Virginia. In a press conference, Harlot and Gigolo were joined by several representatives from both parties who were intent on showing their support. As Harlot explained: For too long, we…