Ripping Out a Handful of Furr
Rocco DiPippo has a piece on FrongPageMag investigating Montclair State University’s Grover Furr — professor of (apparently) Leftism. From the extended version that Rocco has published on his blog:
… the reader might have concluded that Professor Furr, by spreading disinformation, pushing Marxism and communism on his students, and advocating for one of mankind’s greatest mass murderers, behaves exactly as a professor of English literature and professional educator shouldn’t. Unfortunately, I doubt that many of his colleagues would be so affected. During extensive research of Furr I found not one example of a university professor, teacher or administrator questioning his in-class behavior or his teaching methods.
What I did find was quite the opposite–a network of high school and college teachers and administrators who actually support his methods, views and goals and recommend his web pages as both a teaching resource and as a guide in developing curricula–sad commentary on Humanities departments nationwide, which as you read this, sink deeper and deeper into a miasma of pseudo-intellectualism, fatuous scholarship and anti-Western Marxist propagandizing.
As Lane Core has noted (click “confer”), the network that Rocco has discovered is an achievement a half-century in the making.