Justin Katz
Jody Baldwin Stone of Rhode Island asks a question of huge importance to the Constitutional wellbeing of the United States of America: RI Jurnos: Is it true that Judge McConnells daughter, Catherine McConnell, was appointed by Biden and is currently employed by The Department of Education? Did the judges order save his daughter’s job? 👀🤔This…
John DePetro and Justin Katz pull some of the threads from the fraying mainstream narrative illusion.
Charlie Kirk has an interesting business model. He goes where young adults congregate (presumably college campuses), sets up a booth, and has debates with whoever approaches his microphone. Then he posts the videos for clicks and (again, presumably) collects advertising revenue. In this video, he stumps a young woman on the issue of abortion. Kirk’s…
John DePetro and Justin Katz break down some of the latest political news in Rhode Island.
This observation points to a useful exercise for all citizens: A useful exercise is to keep a look out when news stories at the state or even local level mention some organization. Do a little research into their history and funding. Rhode Island has about a million people and a long-languishing economy, yet even on…
This is, let’s just say, a reasonable thing to wonder: It may have long been the case that federal grants were a major financing scheme for left-wing organizations, but the Obama administration amplified it, flooding the market and giving us much of the confusion and turmoil of the last decade. Objectively, one can say that…
… I remind myself that Aaron Regunberg was very nearly governor. A lot has happened since this tweet, so as a reminder, Brian Thompson was the healthcare CEO murdered in cold blood in New York:
One sees people take positions of similar structure to Ken Block’s, here, on many issues, from immigration to finance to healthcare to science: One of humanity’s great advantages is that we can divide the labor of understanding. One person figures something out, and others can build on his or her conclusions without necessarily repeating all…
Here is Senator Bell’s response, back in November, to the CEO of Box.com, who offered a mild, moderate suggestion for Democrats after the election: Bell exposes two important things, with this Tweet. First, a significant portion of Rhode Island’s Democrat power elite are happy to ride the state into utter, Venezuelan devastation for the sake…
We see it in this tweet from Jesse Kelly: