Best Non-Inflammatory Ann Coulter Line

WASHINGTON D.C. — “Conservatives are the ones who favor the real constitution and not the director’s cut favored by the Democrats”.
Coulter’s message boils down to warning Republicans that it would be folly for them to abandon their principles and run a pro-choice Republican because they believe it’s the only way to beat Hilary Clinton.

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Stretch Cunningham
Stretch Cunningham
19 years ago

Ann’s message applies to RI too. Lets not compromise our principles by supporting Chafee. Lets dedicate ourselves to fighting for what we believe in and lets get Laffey elected in November! Lets not let the bogus West poll make us doubters. Laffey is the right person to win the general election and he’s the right Republican to send to the Senate. He has won major victories in Cranston with large numbers of Democrat, Independent and Republican votes. His reform message resonates across the spectrum and he has proven he can get things done!

19 years ago

Right-on Stretch! I love Ann Coulter too. And I agree, if we are truly conservative, we need to pull all stops to get Laffey elected.
I’m saving up some vacation time to help the Laffey campaign. It is just too important!
(I’m already setting some booby traps to keep Wyle E. off my tail).

19 years ago

I thought that Ann Coulter’s best line — though technically “inflammatory” — was her last one of the afternoon (prompted by a question regarding Rhode Island’s own junior Senator).
Ann Coulter: “Linc Chafee is so dumb, I’m surprised he can even remember to feed himself.”
She also elaborated by requesting that someone really ought to try to find out his college SAT scores.
Needless to say, her heartfelt sentiments were nearly universal in this conservative setting.

19 years ago

Carroll, you wrote:
“Coulter’s message boils down to warning Republicans that it would be folly for them to abandon their principles and run a pro-choice Republican because they believe it’s the only way to beat Hilary Clinton.”
Given that your prior post was entitled “Condi for Prez!”, I assume that you do not agree with Miss Coulter’s advice. Condi Rice is pro-choice on abortion, although she’s not as pro-abortion as Giuliani (whose refusal to endorse a ban on partial-birth abortion caused the Conservative Party to withhold its endorsement when he ran against Hillary in 2000).

19 years ago

This is from the woman who said that woman should not have the right to vote.

19 years ago

1. Ann Coulter was DUM DUM DUM joking when she said that.
2. The question to Ann Coulter concerning the race between Chafee and Laffey was asked by a URI College Republican student. They sent a delegation of like 15 kids.

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