Name That World Leader: Special Media Paranoia Edition
Here are two quotes from recent media interviews. One was spoken by current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the other by former U.S President Bill Clinton. See if you can guess which quote came from which leader.
Here’s quote #1…
I always get these clever little political yields where they ask me one-sided questions….And it always comes from one source.And here’s quote #2…
Are you asking the questions that are on your mind or questions that are given to you by others?Perhaps the sometimes inexplicable affinity between the American left and international totalitarianism comes from the conspiratorial worldview that both movements share.
Answers: The first quote is from an interview conducted with President Clinton by Chris Wallace on Fox News. The second quote is from an interview with President Ahmadinejad conducted by Anderson Cooper on CNN.
“Perhaps the sometimes inexplicable affinity between the American left and international totalitarianism comes from the conspiratorial worldview that both movements share.”
Or maybe it comes from the fact that both American Democrats and International Totalitarianists have the same core beliefs that captialism is bad and anyone that questions their motives is an enemy?
In their own words…
Enough said
1. The quote is not out of context. Clinton was even more paranoid in another quote, when he said Chris Wallace had to “move his bones” (I assume he meant “make his bones”; so who does Clinton think that Chris Wallace has to prove himself to?) but it was too ungrammatical to be used in the above post.
2. What exactly do you think a neo-conservative is?
“What exactly do you think a neo-conservative is?”
I believe the answer that libs are hesitant to use, but truly mean is “One of those Jew-lovers who’s willing to take this country to war to protect a piece of land the Jews stole and we don’t care about.”
One of the reasons Democrats have lost elections recently is because they fail to show passion in their arguments, like they’re afraid anything reasonably thoughtful or slightly controversial will be used in an attack ad.
Maybe it’s only because he’s done as an elected official, but Bill Clinton shows no such fear.
“Maybe it’s only because he’s done as an elected official, but Bill Clinton shows no such fear.”
Yeah, but he also showed what’s WRONG with Dems in general. They never actually ACCOMPLISH anything, but hey howdy do they ‘try’. Just like Bill ‘never tried harder in my life’ to get the middle-class tax cuts.
To twist the phrase, The road to lost elections is paved with good intentions.