Mainstream Media
John DePetro and Justin Katz talk about the gap between RI’s ruling Democrat elite and the people of the state.
John DePetro and Justin Katz address the question insiders don’t seem to ask.
I’ve fallen way behind, so this tweet from Ken Block is a couple months old, but its content is (unfortunately) timeless in Rhode Island: The picture being painted for me by over ten current and former DOT employees is a toxically managed organization where who you know is far more important than how you do…
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the political news of the week.
John DePetro and Justin Katz expose the underlying connections in RI politics.
John DePetro and Justin Katz trace the political ripples of a rapidly declining Biden.
With that perspective, I’d suggest that America works better when voters put the adults in charge but then laugh at them through media and entertainment. Once, adults could be of either party, but they became increasingly of the Republican variety. Unfortunately, voters’ frustration with the inability to return to adult policies is loosening that rule,…
This seems kind of like an important story, but despite some weeks, I’ve seen nothing on it elsewhere: The problem with our current media situation is that, whether Callahan’s assessment about sanctuary state policies is fair or not, we know for a certainty that we’ll only ever hear that it is not fair from the…
John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some unspeakable stories in RI.
I don’t doubt Ken is being honest about his findings, or lack thereof, from his voter fraud review in 2020, but from the very first, I’ve though he’s was overstating his scope and the extent to which his investigation was conclusive. Very plainly put, “I did not find evidence” is not the same as “there…