Mainstream Media

News Scope in the Internet Age

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 13, 2004 | Comments Off on News Scope in the Internet Age

The Los Angeles Times, is “folding its daily national edition”. Will the next tier of papers down the news chain (in scope, not quality, necessarily) take a cue from this? As a news consumer, I would have increased interest in the Projo if it devoted less space to reprinting wire-service stories — which I can…

International Troops Enter Iraq

By Justin Katz | November 8, 2004 |

It’s entirely possible that my media-cynicism adjuster is tuned too high, but whether rightly or wrongly, the following caption for the photo currently on the Providence Journal‘s home page surprised me. In big, bold letters on the picture itself is the word “Captured,” and beneath it: In this image from television, troops oversee captives at…