Walking the Walk

I don’t want the previous post to remain long untempered by a statement of my substantial admiration for Rocco, particularly now that he’s come out as Rhode Island’s blogger in Baghdad, D. Alighieri. I do not stand where he stands, nor would I declare myself in possession of the courage that he has shown.

Still, it may be the case that wise advice will come from those not in the kiln of intensity, but with eyes daily on that which can be lost.

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18 years ago

“Still, it may be the case that wise advice will come from those not in the kiln of intensity, but with eyes daily on that which can be lost.”
lol ..huh??
Justin you have an amazing capacity to stylishly bloviate abstract nonsense into your writing. It’s actually quite amusing to read which is no doubt problematic for such a deep thinker as yourself. lol

Justin Katz
18 years ago

Well, Tim, you’ve apparently outthunk me, as I disagree that the sentence you quote is nonsense, and I’ve no idea why my being amusing to you ought to be problematic for me. One of us misunderstands the other, which is fine; such circumstances are inevitabilities for those who attempt to communicate abstractions.
I don’t particularly care what your impression of my writing is, although I’m happy to provide you opportunities to express yourself with the acronymic succinctness of “lol.”

18 years ago

Justin, creative writing is fun but sometimes the most effective path from Point A to Point B is a straight line.
The world will not view you as less scholarly Justin. Honest!

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