Another One Bites the Dust
Bill Rappleye of WJAR-TV (NBC 10) is reporting that State Representative Joseph Scott (Charlestown/Exeter/Richmond) is leaving the Republican party and joining the Democrats.
Bill Rappleye of WJAR-TV (NBC 10) is reporting that State Representative Joseph Scott (Charlestown/Exeter/Richmond) is leaving the Republican party and joining the Democrats.
Is it something in South County water? He follows in the “proud” footsteps of Senator Sue Sosnowski.
Living in the same area should make it easier for them to collaborate on their upcoming book, “How I Sold My Soul and Consituancy to the Devil”, subtitled “Legislative Grants Made It All Worth While”.
Jumpin Joe Scott
The political history of South County is interesting.
Joe Scott may hace switched to Democrat but he is not the first:
Donna Walsh,now going in the R.I.House and a former State Senator was active in the Charlestown GOP and was a town council candidate on the GOP side which she may have been elected?She did run as a Democrat to the Charlestown Town Council and was elected.
Sue(Arnold)Sosnowski who went to Chariho like I did was originally elected as a Republican to the State Senate.She like Joe did have some problems with the GOP and some of its leaders.
Gregory Kenney who lost to Kevin Breene last month in Senate District#34 was originally elected as a Chariho School Committee member from Hopkinton as a Republican switched to a Democrat while on the committee.He is a great grandchild of State Senator Albert S.Babcock,R-Hopkinton.His wife Beverly(Perreault) Kenney who may never have been a Republican but she has GOP roots.Her father Roland Perreault and her grandfather Louis E.Perreault,R-Richmond, were active in Richmond GOP politics.Kevin comes from a politically active family also.
The Westerly Sun has an editorial in today’s edition about Joe Scott’s switch.
That is State Senator Louis E.Perreault,R-Richmond;.He was also a Richmond Town Council member.
Two of the most interesting occurrences in politics happened concerning South County legislators:
Rob Roy Rawlings,D-Richmond; was a Democrat State Senator while at the same time his sister Lucy Rawlings Tootell,R-Richmond was a Republican State Representative representing around half of the same people.They were the chidren of Rhode Island House Speaker Roy Rawlings,R-Richmond.
James P. Flynn was a Dewmocrat State Senator from North Kingstown while at the same his brother Michael J.Flynn was a Republican State Senator from Smithfield.