National Maritime Day

As the resident maritimer (KP, ’91), I’d be remiss if I didn’t take note that today is National Maritime Day. Besides, one would think that denizens of the Ocean State would be at least mildly interested. (Though the idea of the sea as anything other than an avenue for pleasure craft or something to “keep clean” is probably as maritime as most RI’ers get). Anyway, here’s the President’s 2007 National Maritime Day proclamation and a link to, a great spot to read up on the contributions made by the U.S. Merchant Marine during war time. Fair winds and calm seas…

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Fred on the Blog
Fred on the Blog
17 years ago

I think you might have wanted to say. “Fair winds and following sea” I just might now that since i am a real sailor not a maritime grad.
I would rather be sailing!

Marc Comtois
17 years ago

Fred, Hm. I’ve actually heard both…though the “following seas” would certainly be more important to a “sailor” and not a maritimer riding around in a big ol’ diesel- or turbine-driven cargo ship!

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