Lincoln Chafee for General Treasurer?
From Ian Donnis at the Providence Phoenix’s Not for Nothing blog…
While he remains undecided about his future political plans, Chafee told N4N this morning that the treasurer’s office is among those he’s considering, along with governor and mayor of Providence. “It’s still a long way away,” he noted.
There’s a great idea. Give a silver spooner the power of the checkbook. Can’t we get an ADULT for that position?
Treasurer is a big step down for Linc, and gives the impression of office-shopping. Also, you know Laffey won’t let it pass – he’ll either jump in himself or prop up a straw man or woman challenger, and we’ll be living the bitter Senate primary all over again.
One question: Why?
WHY?! Because, with the exception of horseshoer, he’s not qualified to DO anything other than be a brainless politician.
If he wanted to do something of value he’d kidnap Patrick Kennedy and the two of them would man a mission to the center of the Sun.
Gee, Greg, maybe you should run?
Some people, Like Chaffee, just don’t know when to go away. Lucky sperm got him a few years in the US Senate where he showed himself to be a
RINO. I hear that the A Ralphie Mollis Crime Family, Inc. wants closer to the do re me and is looking at treasurer. After all his burning desire to be your
Sec of State seems to have cooled. Not a lot of real Pat- ron – age there “A Ralphe”, eh?
Sure Anthony. Only if you run against me in the primary.
Depends…which party’s primary would you run in?
Sparky, I’m 20,000 times more conservative than your hero, Chafee and a helluva lot more conservative than the Connecticut Cowboy in the Oval Office.
Anthony’s campaign theme:
“Lets not change ANYTHING, EVERYTHING’s FINE.”
go for it Greg, you’ll have my vote.
Thanks. It’s tempting. I’d really have to sit down with a strategy guy and refine my message. I really think I’m right on the cusp of a grand idea on how to convey “Yes we can help those who need help and we should and here’s how we’ll do it…”
I know one plank in the platform is:
1. Free four year college if you give the two years following college to the government, preferably working under someone in your field of study. I really think this works on multiple levels not the least of which being that if everyone has to WORK for the government they can see how broken it is from the inside.
I have to believe that liberals really think the way they want to do it is the best way. And I know conservatives think their way is the best way. My argument is “We’re not going to STOP spending the money so we might as well figure out the best, most efficient, most effective way of spending the money and work towards that goal.”
RE: Platform Plank #1, I love the sound bite:
“We need to expand the number of people working in government in order to decrease the size of government”
Sounds logical. Given the number of current RI state workers, the entire state of RI should know how broken government is…
Well, that is offset by plank #2.
“Determine what New Hampshire is doing RIGHT and copy it.”
Plank #3 would be centralizing government. Taking the state from 39 fiefdoms to four in the hopes of someday shrinking it to one city-state.
All healthcare coverage would be under ONE contract in order to save money by buying in volume.
All firefighters in the state would get the same base pay.
All police officers would get the same base pay.
All educators would get the same base pay.
And so on.
No state employees after (set a date) would get a pension. Instead they would get a 401(k) plan like the rest of us working stiffs.
Ah, in a perfect world…
Greg, you lost me.
But I’m still not voting for Anthony.
at least YOU want to try something different…
Wow, I actually share some of Greg’s positions.
Here’s where I agree-
The state should move to a county form of goverment rather than have have 39 local governments.
About a month ago, I recommended we study at NH and DE as an examples. Sorry, that’s my plank, you can’t have it.
Also agree on healthcare and 401(k).
I disagree on the base pay for firefighters, cops, etc. The job of a cop in Providence is very different that the job of a cop in East Greenwich. You can’t pay them the same and expect to get quaility people.
I would add:
Base a portion of teacher pay on performance.
And note to Perry Ellis. I don’t want the vote of somone who takes the name of a draft-dodging fashion designer!
See! That’s why I need a campaign guy to refine my message!