UPDATE I: Obligatory Buddy Cianci Post

Just an update to Andrew’s Buddy Cianci Post…..Update complete.

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Tom W
Tom W
17 years ago

Once upon a time, someone with “Buddy’s” record would have done everything possible to fade into obscurity – motivated both by personal shame and regret, and to avoid the stigma and ostracism that surely would await him in the community at large.
Instead, while we don’t know for sure, nobody believes that he is going to quietly slip into the night and spend his remaining days far from the scene of his crimes.
Meanwhile the local media is treating his PRISON RELEASE as if it was the Second Coming.
What better proof could we have that Rhode Island not only has, but embraces, a degenerate civic culture?

dick tuck
dick tuck
17 years ago

The same could be said of Bubba Clinton. I will enjoy any talk show he

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