How to Defuse a Rabble Rouser
Go beyond addressing his concerns before he’s even asked. It also helped to quell my ire that it took over two hours for the Tiverton zoning board to get to the matter of renovations to the school next to my house last night. While I waited, I was able to peruse the project plans and blueprints, and it seemed as if the architecture firm had seen me coming.
The number of parking spaces will be decreasing, but so will the number of students (with many going to newly renovated schools in their own neighborhoods). Inasmuch as I think it possible, the school design plans will discourage people from parking in front of my house. But beyond that, the section of the building that is closest to my property, its broken windows looming as much of the view from my bathroom window, will be reduced to a single floor. If the object had been to lower the aesthetic and practical effects of the school on my property as much as possible, I don’t think that much more could have been done. In addition, the hazardous materials within the existing school have been assessed and will be removed appropriately.
So, as happy as I was, last night, I returned home from the long meeting with the frustration of he who must look elsewhere for a fight. From what I hear, there’s a school committee meeting next week…