It’s as if They’re Mocking Us

You have to laugh so as not to cry:

The General Assembly has given final approval to two bills – (2007 – S0804A) by Senator Issa and (2007 – H6235) by Rep. Raymond C. Church (D-Dist. 48, North Smithfield, Burrillville) – to empanel a 15-member study commission to report back to the legislature early next year on the status of youth financial education in the state. The study group will include, besides three Senators and three members of the House, individuals such as the Commission of Elementary and Secondary Education, the General Treasurer, a member of the Society of Certified Public Accountants, a member of the Rhode Island Bankers Association and a high school and middle school teacher. …
General Treasurer Frank T. Caprio, a longtime promoter of the RI Jump$tart Coalition and advocate for financial literacy, believes that “too many Rhode Islanders have become compromised due to record-setting indebtedness and all-time low personal savings. Government, educators, businesses, parents all play an important role in reversing today’s alarming personal financial trends through increases financial literacy.”

I move to amend any legislation resulting from this study such that members of the General Assembly will have to show improvements in their own financial literacy, as well.

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17 years ago

Isn’t Ray Church the former head of the RI CPA Assoc. and a CPA himself

17 years ago

So, as I understand it, we’re going to spend taxpayer monies to study why taxpayers aren’t saving? It’s kind of the question that answers itself by asking it, isn’t it?

17 years ago

Thieves studying fiscal prudence. lol
The Assembly is an insane asylum

17 years ago

You’re right. It is over-the-top (and offensive) rhetoric.
It’s like Norquist’s (or Rove’s–I can never tell the two of them apart) statement that bipartisanship is like date rape.
Not funny. Offensive.
Didn’t get past that term. Didn’t read the rest of the post. Don’t care what it said.

17 years ago

You’re right. It is over-the-top (and offensive) rhetoric.
It’s like Norquist’s (or Rove’s–I have trouble distinguishing the two of them) comment that bipartisanship is like date rape.
Not funny. Offensive.
Didn’t get past that term. Didn’t read the rest of the post. Don’t care what it said.

Justin Katz
17 years ago

Are you alright, friend? Now you’re not even commenting to the relevant post…

17 years ago

isnt there a rep that just filed bankruptcy ????and didnt caprio try to hire somebody that had filed bankruptcy???
hmm.. seems like they might be experts to be on the panel

17 years ago

Financial Education 101:
1.) Field Trip to RI General Assembly
2.) Teacher’s lecture upon arrival:
“Everything that goes on here, class? Do the opposite.”
3.) One question quiz the day after the Field Trip.
Class finished. (This course also counts towards core ethics requirements.)

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