Jon Scott for U.S. Senate? No Declaration Yet…
Rhode Island Republican Jon Scott responds to some speculation fueled by a (pretty sensible) essay at RI Report suggesting that he may run for U.S. Senate against Jack Reed next year…
“Because I have been inundated with calls from the press and from the public since the RI Report.com story speculating about my 2008 intentions, I thought that I should issue a statement.
The rumors that I will challenge Senator Reed in the upcoming election cycle are only rumors at this point. While I have listened to supporters who would like to see me go in that direction, I have also entertained those who would like to see me run for a General Assembly seat or a City Council seat in my hometown of Providence, as well. I appreciate the input and the support and will, ultimately, make my decision based upon what I feel best benefits the citizens of the Ocean State who are in desperate need of a vibrant two Party system…
Senator Reed is certainly a fixture in Rhode Island politics and enjoys high favorable numbers but no name is more entrenched than that of my 2006 opponent. We must get the working men and women of the state reinvested in the electoral process but reconnection can never happen with career politicians and special interest money in control. The rank and file wage earners in this state have lost their belief in the system because they do not feel as if they have a place in the system any more. If we are to reclaim our government, all of our citizens must have the opportunity to become Teddy Roosevelt’s “man in the arena”.
A well-placed source informs me that Jon Scott’s other potential opponents would be Gordon Fox, if he chose to run for State Rep; Rhoda Perry, if he chose to run for State Senator or Kevin Jackson, if he chose to run for Providence City Council.
At this point a possibility to run against Reed is Robert G.”Bob” Tingle who ran against the Senator in 2002,.
I will let Mr.Tingle speak for himself.If “Bob” becomes a candidate I plan to support him.A smart guy who who holds a leadership position as a “pit boss” which is a responsible position at Foxwoods,I consider him my friend.While he has lost elections in the past,at this point I would rather have him to represent the Rhode Island GOP instead of Mr.Scott.This should not be interpreted as a “slam” against Mr.Scott but my respect for Mr.Tingle to represent the party in Rhode Island.
Scott Bill Hirst
Member,Hopkinton Town Council,1996-2004
I wouldn’t be opposed to a Senate run for Scott, but I think there are a lot of obstacles blocking a victory. The GA officials in his district and Jackson on city council all need to be defeated, and I think Scott would be a good voice in any of those offices.
Dear Sarah,
You can’t defeat any of those people. You also can’t defeat Jack Reed.
I think Jon Scott is a great guy. Sometimes, I even forget he’s a Republican.
If he wants to serve, he knows what he has to do . . . . . . .
“If he wants to serve, he knows what he has to do …….” — What the heck does that mean? Sign a pact with Satan?
My two cents … I would personally like to see Jon run for a more “winnable” seat — because I want someone like him actually “up there” representing us. Since his expertise is on local issues, all the better. I expect Reed to have a GOP challenger anyway, so I’d prefer to avoid a primary (I’m not telling, so don’t ask — and no, it’s not Bob!).
Unfortunately, barring a terminal illness or a cabinet appointment, Reed is not going anywhere. Reed has the “problem” of being an awfully nice guy with unusually high approval ratings, in spite of a record that the word “lackluster” wouldn’t quite describe. What’s he DONE up there, really (Insert cricket chirps here)?
I think given Jon’s dynamic personality, he’s the type of person who could and would impress locals by pounding the pavement, going door to door, etc. — which is why running for a local Rep, Senate, or Ciy Council seat might be more practical. He’s apparently got some real “winners” in his geographical area who probably haven’t had a good challenge in years. At least it would force them to spend money and defend their crappy records.
Dear Will,
I am the Great Satan.
As a matter of fact, I think we should all learn to say “We are the Great Satan” in Farci. That way, when TeamUSA scores a goal against the Iranians, we can all chant it together.
Let’s go a step further:
Imagine if we all learned some Arabic. Then, when we score a goal against those teams, we could, college style, chant “Who are we? Say-TUN. Say-TUN is who we are.” Of course, it helps if you clap your hands and stomp in unison.
I think most of us realize the historical significance of not having a US House Nominee on the GOP side in 2006,.
The essential question remains is this the “major” offices up in 2008 are a US Senate seat and two US House seats at the end of the day what will the Rhode Island Republicans really or can do for their nominees for these offices?Will they be given respect for their efforts even if they lose or will they just be people to fill a space on a ticket and forgotten afterwards?This goes for other offices as well.
Jon, if you’re game for taking down Ralph Mollis in ’10, I’m aboard with you.