Jumping into a Blue State
During a recess, one of the school committee members, a man to whom I frequently wave as he walks his dog by my house, came over to ask what brought me out this evening. For the time being, it’s probably to the good that my answer was simply “to become more involved” (with a reference to my daughter’s entry into the school system): as it turns out, he’s a state employee and a social worker.
Ours should be a society in which he and I could not only continue to wave during dog walks, but enter into contentious debates about our philosophical and political differences while continuing to do so. As a blue-state conservative (and a constitutionally insecure one, at that), I worry that similarities of general interests, prioritization of the intellect, and temperament are too easily overwhelmed by passion and personal investment.
I imagine I’ll have more basis to judge as I become more involved (and more recognized).
“but enter into contentious debates about our philosophical and political differences while continuing to do so.”
… yes. Yes.
But until it’s a little clearer that that’s possible, you’re right to keep it neutral.
What’s the breakdown of the School Comm, Justin: how many Dems, how many elephants?
I don’t know the political breakdown, and it doesn’t appear to be an easy thing to find out. (Easy meaning: right now on the Internet.) Let’s not forget, though, that this is the committee that, two years ago, decided to grant health benefits to the significant other of a former teacher (eight years retired) living in Massachusetts.
“Ours should be a society in which he and I could not only continue to wave during dog walks, but enter into contentious debates about our philosophical and political differences while continuing to do so.”
I promise to wave if you walk by – the debate part is already a given!