Nuances of Communication

Let’s play a new game.
It’s called: “Identify That Whine”
It’s simple. Read the following two statements. Determine which is a declaration of facts designed to educate and motivate and which is whining.

But the overall budget – taxes and spending – is set by the General Assembly. All of the increases in Marc’s chart are their doing. The fact that we are seventh highest taxed is their doing. The fact that Rhode Island has the most onerous corporate taxes and one of the worst overall business climates – thereby driving businesses which pay taxes and employ people out of the state – is their (the General Assembly’s) doing. The fact that public pensions went under funded while social spending was maxed out is solely their doing.

~ ~ ~

The ProJo has editorialized in favor of maintaining the working waterfront, and I tend to agree. Thanks to public access, Boston does a far better job than Providence in making use of the waterfront along the Charles River and parts of Boston Harbor than we do with comparable areas. While some envision more economically productive uses for the Providence waterfront, it shouldn’t come at the cost of public access, and longstanding businesses could be an important part of this mix.

Perhaps Ian Donnis would like to go first.

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Ian Donnis
17 years ago

Well, since you invited me, Monique. Frankly, I don’t see the connection (or maybe it’s just convenient amnesia regarding my own propensity to whine. Should the Dem-controlled legislature be a better economic steward? Yes. Would Providence benefit, IMHO, from maximizing public access to certain key parts of the waterfront, particularly India Point and the area being made available by the relocation of I-195? Yes.

17 years ago

Am I whining if I say Ian is a joke for not reporting that the economic collapse of the state is due to the Democrat GA following, for decades, the economic ideology espoused by Ian, Segal, Jerzyk and the rest of the august (LOL) Phoenix staff?

Matt Jerzyk
17 years ago

Actually, Monique, your post is riddled with untrue statements of facts. 7th highest? Nope. Onerous corporate taxes? Yeah, ask GTECH, Fidelity or Amgen about that one! Worst overall business climate? Hmmm…. must be why Carnegie Abbey is building a gated community for America’s richest of the rich in Portsmouth!!!
Would you like some cheese with your….

17 years ago

Just to let everyone know, Matt Jerzyk had his webmaster Alex Moore (4th out of 4 in last year’s 8th Ward Council race) blocked me from posting on his Marxist blog.
My “crime”? In response to someone slandering our heroic governor with a taunt that he “has never worked a day in his life” I responded by pointing out that description more aptly fits tax hike advocate David Segal, the son of a millionaire Baltimore doctor who by his own admission is a full-time “activist”.

Justin Katz
17 years ago

must be why Carnegie Abbey is building a gated community for America’s richest of the rich in Portsmouth!!!

I didn’t realize that there was such ignorance on this point. The “richest of the rich” have multiple homes. Rhode Island is where they come to play, not to work (not that most of them work, anyway).
Is this going to be your strategy as the state collapses, Matt?

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
17 years ago

>>Actually, Monique, your post is riddled with untrue statements of facts. 7th highest? Nope. Onerous corporate taxes? Yeah, ask GTECH, Fidelity or Amgen about that one! How many of them would be here but for the special deals they got from the state? Do you remember that APC almost moved out until it got a special deal from the state? Oh, and Operation Dollar Bill just might clue us in on some of the special “under the table” deals that CVS (and Gtech?) also got from our Democrat leadership. EVERY reputable survey places RI amongst the highest taxed states; with among the worst business climates; with amongst the highest “education” spending (read teacher union coddling) for below average results. We’re often called “the Louisiana of the North” in honor of our national reputation for political corruption. Gee, Louisiana is a Democrat state too, isn’t it? >>Worst overall business climate? Hmmm…. must be why Carnegie Abbey is building a gated community for America’s richest of the rich in Portsmouth!!! We’re among the worst business climates! To borrow one of the Poverty Pimp Institute’s favorite phrases, we’re winning the “race to the bottom” on economic competitiveness and vibrancy – thanks to our “world class welfare magnet” status; onerous taxes to support the unions and welfare industry; and political corruption. A wonderful legacy after 70 years of Democrat rule. As for Carnegie Abbey, how many of its residents actually live there vs. have second homes there? How many actually have their TAXABLE RESIDENCE in RI? How many actually operate a business in RI? Oh wait, there’s one we know of: Democrat Party money man Mark Weiner. I’m sure he’ll be entertaining some of the Motley Rice crew in his new, no lead paint digs. And when never worked a day in his life… Read more »

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