The Dream Interferes with the Life
On Dan Yorke a few minutes ago, Trisha Smith — the controversial owner of the Post & Naughty store in Portsmouth, whose landlord is threatening to cancel her lease if she doesn’t stop courting customers outside her store, as it were — mentioned that she has lost her day job. (The company owner, as it happens, lives in Portsmouth.)
One could make hay about her being a never-married mother of two, but it seems to me that there’s got to be a compromise that won’t drive her family into poverty. She made a good point to Yorke: She’s trying not to be one of those welfare moms we’ve been talking about. That said, she’s been all over the news posing as a fighter of the prudes; perhaps she could cede a little ground and tone down the sidewalk marketing outfits. The store’s name sort of makes the point without illustration, I’d say.
Of course, as a conservative New Englander, I’m very empathetic when outside activities affect a last-cubicle-on-the-left job such as the technical writer position that Ms. Smith just lost. It also occurs to me that I haven’t figured out what to get the missus for Christmas, this year, and I hear that not everything in the store is apt to make a Catholic-convert ex-bad-boy blush. And if I’m of a mind to stop by and help the business out, Monday on my way home from work, the folks giving her trouble ought to be on alert that they’re in very sparse company.
Make that Tuesday on my way home from work. Mr. Yorke is apparently disrupting her business and dragging her into the studio on Monday. (Why not bring the studio to her, Dan?)
According to Marc (in the comments), I missed some key information when I hopped out of the van for a moment last night: Apparently the store isn’t open on Mondays anyway, and Dan may be on site on Tuesday. Doesn’t take long to miss much, I guess.
Justin, I believe I heard her say in the interview that the store is closed on Mondays. Dan was talking about doing a remote from her store on Tuesday (at least he was during the evening commute when I heard part of the conversation).