Obama Wins South Carolina

CNN reports:

With 95 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had 55 percent of the vote. Clinton was second with 27 percent, followed by Edwards, with 18 percent.

In the meantime, Christopher Hitchens warns the Senator from Illinois (…er, Obama, not Clinton) to watch his back:

On the very next day, I heard via three different people in New Hampshire that they had been approached by Clinton operatives and told that there was “something” about Barack Obama that would “come out” if he looked like getting the nomination.

The politics of personal destruction may not run in only one direction when it comes to the Clintons.

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John Smith
John Smith
17 years ago

Can we begin with Hillary’s incredible trading in the 90’s where she managed, with no prior experience, to beat billions to one odds and turn a thousand or so into $100,000?

John Smith
John Smith
17 years ago

Sorry, that was a mistype. The conduct obviously did not take place in the 90’s. It was the late 70’s, I believe.

17 years ago

Of course, this is a BIG win for Obama. The win in South Carolina certainly wasn’t a surprise, but the margin of victory definitely was (to the polls again, too). Remember, this is all about expectations, and Obama clearly met and exceeded them. I’m very pleased that Obama won tonight, as it ensures a very competitive and divisive Democrat primary race until at least Super Tuesday. Of course, there’s also the question of what does John Edwards do now that he’s badly lost his home state. Look for Clinton, Inc. to try to turn the Obama lemonade back into a lemon, by trying to explain away the results in S.C. as something of a fluke caused by a large minority population voting solely because of the candidates racial background (I’m certainly not agreeing with this assessment, but I think that’s exactly what they’ll try to do … if they haven’t started already). They have a way of turning perceived strengths into weaknesses. Considering that Obama only won 24% of the S.C. white vote in a Democrat primary, I think the Clinton’s will focus on the “electability” issue with the majority voting population in other states (white voters), even if they aren’t crass enough to say it outright (though with them, you never know). Although the following comparison is lacking on a number of levels, they’re going to try to pigeonhole Obama as a reincarnation of Jesse Jackson. Gosh, golly gee, they’re already doing it: Bubba: Obama Is Just Like Jesse Jackson January 26, 2008 8:18 PM Said Bill Clinton today in Columbia, SC: “Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in ’84 and ’88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here.” This was in response to a question about Obama saying it “took two people to beat… Read more »

17 years ago

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do By PEGGY NOONAN January 25, 2008; Page W14 http://www.wsj.com We begin, as one always must now, again, with Bill Clinton. The past week he has traveled South Carolina, leaving discord in his wake. Barack Obama, that “fairytale,” is low, sneaky. “He put out a hit job on me.” The press is cruelly carrying Mr. Obama’s counter-jabs. “You live for it.” In Dillon, S.C., according to the Associated Press, on Thursday Mr. Clinton “predicted that many voters will be guided mainly by gender and race loyalties” and suggested his wife may lose Saturday’s primary because black voters will side with Mr. Obama. Who is raising race as an issue? Bill Clinton knows. It’s the press, and Mr. Obama. “Shame on you,” Mr. Clinton said to a CNN reporter. The same day the Web site believed to be the backdoor of the Clinton war room unveiled a new name for the senator from Illinois: “Sticky Fingers Obama.” Bill Clinton, with his trembly, red-faced rage, makes John McCain look young. His divisive and destructive daily comportment—this is a former president of the United States—is a civic embarrassment. It is also an education, and there is something heartening in this. There are many serious and thoughtful liberals and Democrats who support Mr. Obama and John Edwards, and who are seeing Mr. Clinton in a new way and saying so. Here is William Greider in The Nation, the venerable left-liberal magazine. The Clintons are “high minded” on the surface but “smarmily duplicitous underneath, meanwhile jabbing hard at the groin area. They are a slippery pair and come as a package. The nation is at fair risk of getting them back in the White House for four years.” That, again, is from one of the premier liberal journals in the… Read more »

17 years ago

How about how her brother Tony Rodham sold pardons to dope dealers and embezzlers and she “didn’t know about it”?

17 years ago

Hillary needs to tell her husband to STFU. Or give him a free pass to chase bimbos – Bill’s campaigning is more harmful to her than “bimbo eruptions.”
Since the GOP field’s attack lines, direct mailings, strategy, etc. are built around a Hillary nomination, the remaining Republicans may be her most trustworthy allies right now – an Obama nomination would be the biggest threat to them.

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