Four Interesting Things Said by Mike Huckabee at his Rally in Warwick

On the connection of the pro-life position to the American founding…

There are many of us across this country not into the pro-life movement because of the politics of it, but into the political world because we believe that being pro-life is one of the most important ways in which we affirm what our Founding Fathers’ believed. Listen to what they said when signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776. They made a pretty bold and audacious statement. They said “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”…
Now, the idea of everyone being equal was dramatically different from what the rest of the world was practicing. It was such a radical idea because, up until then, there were variations in people’s perceived worth and value. With the signing of that document, they established a government unlike any other that said that no person was more valuable than another, which meant that no person was less valuable than another. What that still means, after all these years, is that where we live, what job we have, our abilities, or our disabilities do not factor in to who we are in terms of our worth as a person. And at any point in our personhood, our value is equal to that of anybody else…
On how a pro-life culture stands in stark contrast to our Islamofascist enemy (and kudos to Governor Huckabee for his willingness to use the term Islamofascism)…
Contrast this to the Islamofascists. Theirs is a culture in which it is OK to strap a bomb on to your own child, and send that child into a room like this and detonate it in order to make a political point. Ladies and gentleman, I prefer a culture of life.
On his basic defense philosophy…
As Commander-In-Chief, I am going to make sure that America has the most prepared, well-equipped, well-trained, well-financed army Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, so that nobody on this earth would want to engage us in a battle, because they would know that the outcome would be determined by the quality of the forces we have in place to overcome them.
And on the logic of a consumption tax system over an income tax system in a globalized world…
A table built in Rhode Island has a 22% embedded cost from the government, for every unit that is built. If that same table is built in China…it’s not taxable when it’s being made, and it’s not taxable when it comes to this country. And we wonder why American made things are struggling?

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17 years ago

Man, he is dumber than your average conservative. “With the signing of that document, they established a government unlike any other that said that no person was more valuable than another, which meant that no person was less valuable than another.” Uh… actually, at the signing of that document it declared blacks to be 3/5ths of a person. Oh, and women couldn’t vote. But otherwise, they’re all equal. Just not politically. Or something. “Theirs is a culture in which it is OK to strap a bomb on to your own child, and send that child into a room like this and detonate it in order to make a political point. Ladies and gentleman, I prefer a culture of life.” The Republican Party is the culture of war, one of the greatest anti-life inventions of man. No, the GOP is pro-embryonic life. As for “Islamofascist” comparisons, let’s see… which American political party is home to religious extremists? Not good enough? How about which ideology has yielded the most home grown terrorists (hint: anti-federal government bombers, abortion clinic bombers)? “I am going to make sure that America has the most prepared, well-equipped, well-trained, well-financed army Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, so that nobody on this earth would want to engage us in a battle” Um, we’ve had that for the past couple decades. Really deterred Bin Laden didn’t it? You all like to make fun of France’s army: rightfully to some extent, but when was the last time they suffered a serious military attack? “A table built in Rhode Island has a 22% embedded cost from the government, for every unit that is built. If that same table is built in China…it’s not taxable when it’s being made, and it’s not taxable when it comes to this country. And we… Read more »

17 years ago

OK Jake, we get it, you hate America, you’re with Obama…
Why don’t you go rant on RI Future, you’ll get lots of positive reinforcement from the mindless lemmings over there.

17 years ago

“you hate America”
News to me! I love America like an adult loves a loved one: a deep, but honest love. You love America like a wife in denial of her husband’s abuse: with your head in the sand.
“Why don’t you go rant on RI Future, you’ll get lots of positive reinforcement from the mindless lemmings over there.”
In other words, you prefer discussion here be restricted to mindless lemmings?
Can’t even respond to any of my points, can you?

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