More Taxing than Expected
A Sakonnet Times story that does not appear to be online confirms my suspicions: Tiverton’s going to raise my taxes even more than the previously suggested maximum. Apparently, “the big jump is in the debt service on school bonds” (a 45% increase), followed by an estimated 3.2% increase for the school district. Of course, Rhode Island law encourages increased debt, because it is exempt from legislated increase limits.
Also notable is the passivity with which article conveys tax increase information:
That budget figure factors out to a new tax rate of $11.59 per every $1,000 of assessed valuation for Tiverton property owners, [interim Town Administrator James Goncalo] told the council. The current tax rate is $10,26 per $1,000, while the year before (’06–’07) it was $9.62 per $1,000.
Nobody raises the taxes, they just “factor out.”
The rest of the council’s budget discussion will be carried out behind closed doors because “further budget reductions might affect staffing and/or labor contracts.” The party’s over; expect a fight.
That is incredible!
A 13% increase in your property taxes?!?!
Time to get out the pitchforks!
We are potentially seeing this in Jamestown. Some here are charging that the town budget is being padded now ahead of state mandated budget increase caps that will occur one or two budget cycles from now (sorry, memory is leaky as to which year the caps go into effect).
Small matter: I believe the tax rate for 2008 was $10.62. Still a rather large increase, of course.
Why such a surprise? The governor has been publicly telling everyone he was going to spread the state structural budget deficit pain across all 39 cities and towns.
Tiverton is reacting to proposed lost state funds by raising property taxes to protect the town operating budget.
I might be wrong but I don’t think the town is also addressing impending fiscal shortfall by looming fuel increases, lost property tax revenues due to foreclosures and increased costs of goods and services due to high fuel costs.
I think everyone needs to take it out on those who pulled the lever and voted for the bond issue to build essentially 3 new elementary schools. More than likely the school dept will be coming back to the well. We all know that you can’t build 3 new schools for $30M