Slightly More Violent

All of you who (for whatever inexplicable reason) found yourselves at the movie theater watching Sex and the City, tonight, can listen to Matt Allen’s Violent Roundtable featuring Rep. John Loughlin, Senator Leonidas Raptakis, and me here. Two notes from the scene:
1. Sen. Raptakis didn’t answer my question about from where the money is supposed to come to pay for increased minimum wages. It doesn’t just materialize.
2. Listening to the off-the-air conversation, I’m concerned that legislators aren’t constantly taking every opportunity to shout about the things that they see. Yeah, politics is politics, but it’s no longer enough to complain about the way things are done when the mics are off. All other business ought to come after exposing the grit and grime of Rhode Island government.

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16 years ago

1. Sen. Raptakis didn’t answer my question about from where the money is supposed to come to pay for increased minimum wages. It doesn’t just materialize.
I’m no fan of dough rolling Raptakis so here’s a few of my own.
1.Reduction of runaway C.E.O. compensation.
2. Taxes currently not collected on the wealthiest 1% that could reduce taxes for individuals and businesses offsetting raise for the lowest wage earners.
3. The market.
4. The same place these raises have come from in the past.

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