Jesse Jackson Unintentionally Weighs In

In his quest for the Presidency, has Senator Barack Obama been talking down to African Americans? [For my part, I have no idea; I haven’t been able to get past the price tag of some of his proposed initiatives.] If he has, was the reaction by Reverend Jesse Jackson appropriate and proportional?
Video available here.
For the record, Reverend Jackson has apologized for his remarks.

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joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Jackson,the bigot and shakedown artist is partially right for a change.I say partially because Obama has a tendency to talk down in a patronizing,pedantic manner to ALL people,not just Blackpeople.Obama used “we’s”-a usage he probably doesn’t ordinarily employ to mock his fellow Americans.As far as I am concerned,he is a man with a very thin portfolio of accomplishments.He is however, a consummate bullsh*it artist.It’s beginning to catch up to him.

Citizen Critic
Citizen Critic
16 years ago

Universal Health Care and all of the other ridiculous liberal social programs that Obama endorses are a real turn off to me.
However, if Jesse Jackson disses Obama, maybe Obama isn’t so bad after all.
Barack Obama has class –which Jesse Jackson will never have. Jackson is a low class black.
Please pardon me for being politically incorrect in the extreme.

16 years ago

Appropriate or not it was hilarious. Open mouth and insert… um… foot. They are both worthless losers.

Suzanne Arena
Suzanne Arena
16 years ago

Nice to hear the validation of Mr. Bigot. It came as no suprise.

16 years ago

Back in the ’80s, when my father was a state Democratic official, he would always grumble about refusing to vote for Mondale or Dukakis because “I’m tired of presidential candidates kissing Jackson’s ass.” Clinton, to his credit, got Jesse on board without having to go there.
Well, guess what? We have a black Democratic presidential candidate who didn’t kiss Jesse’s or Sharpie’s tuckus. And Jesse’s sore.
If he’s willing to say that in an FNC studio (even not live on the air), you know Jesse wanted that to get out. Very deliberate.

Donna C.
Donna C.
16 years ago

I’m not as yet convinced it was done on purpose, although, I would not be a bit surprised if it was! I would not put anything past that race-baiting bigot!! Where’s the outrage from the MSM over this?? Can you imagine if a Repub said this on a “hot mike”? We would be hearing it over and over and over and over……
The double standards are getting laughable!

16 years ago

Finally, after 35 years of hearing The Rev spew his sticky goo on our ears, he nails the sentiment felt by a large sector of Americans.
I wish someone could explain to me why the other Rev. “Pee Daddy” Sharpton is not calling for the dismissal of Jackson from the airwaves and that American should boycott the Rainbow Coalition.
After all, if Don Imus were to utter the same words, The I-man would be fired for the second time and sentenced to Elba.

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