Milking It

PETA’s latest crusade is aimed at those paragon’s of ultra-conservative, right-wing, free-market capitalists….Ben and Jerry. What did they do wrong? Well, milk does come from cows and, in the eyes of PETA, Ben and Jerry just aren’t towing the ideological line close enough, I suppose. But PETA has a solution!

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow’s milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.

Huh. Let’s set aside the, oh-I-don’t-know, craziness of it all and imagine what kind of manufacturing reconfiguration, workforce retraining and supply chain modifications this would take.

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16 years ago

Ah PETA. When you absolutely, positively have to find somebody wackier than the ACLU…

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Greg-PETA is so single purposedly(word?)out to lunch(oops-no bologna)that they are comical.
The ACLU is not funny.They are an organization whose purpose is to destroy our national identity.Just read the statements of Roger Baldwin,their founder.They have a one world agenda.

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
16 years ago

Yeah, but they have much in common.
You can bet that the wingnut leadership and rank and file of both organizations are firmly behind Obama – the candidate of Hope (to stage a comeback of Marxism) and Change (to change the United States into a socialist country).

16 years ago

Sign me up for the late shift.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Ragin’-I know this otherwise normal guy who along with his wife belong to PETA.His father left him a car and since it had leather seats his wife won’t ride in it.
He says they’ll eat shellfish,but not “finny”fish.
An octopus is a shellfish,taxonomically speaking,and is a lot more intelligent than a carp,so you see how strange they are.
Steven Brown of the ACLU reacts to anything pro-American like the demon in The Exorcist reacted to holy water.His narrow little head starts bobbing and his eyes bulge out while he files yet another lawsuit against anything that smacks of tradition or patriotism.
This is not an ad hominem attack-it is merely a truthful observation of what has become the “Steven Brown Hour”on practically a weekly basis in RI.

16 years ago

George, thanks for commenting in the spirit of the post!!!

16 years ago

I can’t wait to hear some of the new names!!! Any suggestions?

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
16 years ago

Mammary Mocha
Silicone Sling

16 years ago

I can picture all the women lined up in a row with their heads in the feed bag cradle and the automatic milking machines whirring – giant TV on the wall playing the View. Wow – that IS kind of erotic. mmmm Ice cream.

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