Rhode Island: The Least Advisable Place to Go
If such a thing is possible, news that Rhode Island has — perhaps for the first time in history — the highest unemployment rate in the country is both stunning and unsurprising. With all of our assets and attractions our state’s leaders can’t even keep us ahead of a single other state, let alone in the middle of the pack:
Rhode Island has often recorded jobless levels near the top, but this marks the first time that it has ranked highest in the country since comparable data started being compiled 32 years ago, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. …
Rhode Island’s 8.8 percent unemployment rate is the highest in 16 years, and the ranks of the jobless last month swelled to 50,200, the most on record, according to state labor officials. …
Federal labor officials reported the September unemployment rates for the other New England states as follows: Connecticut 6.1 percent; Maine 5.6 percent; Massachusetts 5.3 percent, Vermont 5.2 percent, New Hampshire 4.1 percent.
One of the state’s top elected Democrats has rushed to make the predictable Democrat request of more help from government:
Rhode Island’s new ranking as the state with the highest unemployment rate yesterday prompted U.S. Rep. James R. Langevin to write to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reiterating his strong support for a new economic stimulus measure to extend federal unemployment benefits and create jobs.
“Communities across the state are seeing a marked increase in families seeking help to keep their homes, pay their bills, and put food on the table,” Langevin wrote. “This economic situation has taken a toll on our state’s social service centers, food pantries and homeless shelters, and it is clear that the worst is yet to come.”
What are we going to do, Jim, when the federal government can’t come to our rescue anymore — just as the towns are finding that the state can’t come to theirs? The letters Langevin ought to be writing are to the legislature’s Democrat leaders, demanding that they push back against the unions, cut government assistance, and slash taxes to blowout rates — to get customers in the door, as it were.
Rhode Island has to set aside a decade during which it will behave as if it’s interested in attracting commerce and encouraging entrepreneurship, rather than drawing people to rely on government.
Two of the major State of Rhode Island departments that directly impact Rhode Island’s unemployment figures are:
The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation is building the 21st Century Innovation Economy for State of Rhode Island. Go to the state web site and read because the corporation steers the good ship Rhode Island bringing and keeping business in RI: http://www.riedc.com/
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training provides a multitude of services to both employers; employees including job training, educational resources and workforce grant programs. Their web site is http://www.dlt.ri.gov/
>>The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation is building the 21st Century Innovation Economy for State of Rhode Island.
Yeah, and the check is in the mail.
The bottom line is that our legislature ( which under our Constitution calls the shots) is one of the most hostile to business in the entire country.
No, not judged by their words. But by their deeds.
This state requires MAJOR restructuring. The union and welfare puppet-masters of the ruling Democrat Party will never stand for that.
It is poetic justice that the state bird is a chicken, for the chickens are coming home to roost after decades of public sector corruption, greed and mismanagement .
The spiral of this state into the abyss is just beginning.
Did you hear Billy Lynch blaming RI’s unemployment rate on Bush/Cheney?
What a morally bankrupt lying freaking weasel.
I wish I had all the stats. But even without them, its safe to say there is a state that is number 1 in employment. Who is the president and vice president of the country that state is in? How many states are doing better than the U.S. average. Who are president/v.p. of the country those states are in?
You don’t get to 50th f’ing place because of who the president is. You get there because of the (see Mike Cappelli Old Arguments/Old Profession ) whores who run the state.