A Reformist Quip in the Air
I’ve been saving this line for future use, but District 17 candidate for the RI Senate, Edward O’Neill, beat me to it in his race against Joseph Montalbano:
O’Neill acknowledges that his campaign is centered on his opponent. “He’s running on his record; I say, I’m running on his record,” O’Neill said.
For his part, Montalbano seems inclined to continue offering O’Neill material. Consider this paragraph, a little farther down the column:
He estimates he will have spent $40,000 on the race by Election Day. His most recent campaign finance report, filed yesterday, shows he spent $13,615.36 between Oct. 7 and Oct. 27 on “campaign-related expenses.” Over the same period, O’Neill spent $3,043.16.
But the reports show that one third of Montalbano’s expenses went to “food, beverage and meals” at various restaurants in the greater Providence area, a practice that’s not uncommon among Assembly leaders.
Apparently, to RI incumbents, campaigning entails dining out at a cost of $225 per day. Good thing they walk so many neighborhoods!
If he “forgets” $80k a year from West Warwick, do you think that he’s going to concern himself over piddling $225 lunches?
A fish rots from the head, and the RI Democratic Party is clearly rotten.
I guess it’s economic development the Rhode Island way – we bring federal funds to RI by the feds having to assign cadres of full-time political corruption investigators to this state.
The National Business Travelers Association (NBTA) did a survey of 50 state major cities in July 2008 and found Providence, RI average daily taxes on lodging, rental car and meals was $30 a day causing a ranking of 17th place in the nation. The NBTA used same lodging, rental car and meals at all 50 locations. The breakout per daily tax was Hotel tax per night=$13.48; Car rental tax per day=$9.96 and Restaurant Tax 3 meals per day=$6.56. So RI incumbents campaigning entails dining out at a cost of $225 per day are also paying the high RI Restaurant Tax and Discriminatory Taxes. The number 1 state and city in the nation with the lowest taxes overall lodging, rental car and daily meals is Honolulu, HI at a grand total of $21.45 per day. The breakout per daily tax was Hotel tax per night=$11.84; Car rental tax per day=$6.19 and Restaurant Tax 3 meals per day=$3.42. When compared by meal tax only Portland, OR is ranked #1 with 0.00%; Honolulu, HI ranked #2 with 4.17%; Providence, RI ranked #28 with 8.00% and Chicago, IL ranked #50 with 10.25% When comparing General Sales Tax versus Discriminatory Taxes to Restaurant Taxes per Daily Meals: San Antonio, TX is ranked #1 with General Sales Tax $6.67 per daily meals and Actual Tax applied per daily meals $6.66 with a Discriminatory Increase of $0.00. Honolulu, HI is ranked #18 with General Sales Tax $3.42 per daily meals and Actual Tax applied to daily meals $3.42 with a Discriminatory Increase of $0.00. Providence, RI is ranked #39 with General Sales Tax $5.74 per daily meals and Actual Tax applied to daily meals $6.56 with a Discriminatory Increase of $0.82. St. Louis, MO is ranked #50 with General Sales Tax $3.47 per daily meals and Actual… Read more »
I worked for Ed O’Neill a few years back. He is a hard working, intelligent and passionate man with impeccable ethics (in fact he taught the corporate ethics course required for all managers).
He has a sharp mind for numbers and hates to see a dollar wasted. Knowing Ed, he’s going to win this race and really shake things up in the General Assembly.
Can’t blame liberals for letting Montalbano become drunk with power – there’s a lot of North Providence in this district.
Go Ed!
Well, you’ve heard the phrase “a chicken in every pot”. Montalbano is just making sure that the chicken is tasty.