Panel says Governor’s Immigration “Order created fear”

So, the Immigration Panel has found that:

Governor Carcieri’s executive order on illegal immigration has created such fear throughout Rhode Island that…he [should] make a “well-publicized clarifying statement” to explain what the order does and doesn’t do.

Please. The ProJo “advoticle” (advocacy piece within a news article) is full of anecdotal ‘fear’ stories of immigrants hiding in basements and avoiding travel in Rhode Island. No word on whether the Panel’s members actually worked to clarify any of these misconceptions. And Warwick Police Chief Stephen McCartney had an interesting response to all of the advocates’ sturm und drang:

Warwick Police Chief Stephen McCartney said it would help if the police were allowed to attend some of the meetings with the immigrant community, to hear the complaints firsthand. The police members of the panel did not attend the five meetings held in Providence and Newport.

Legal immigrants have nothing to fear from law enforcement.

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16 years ago

Speaking of advoticles….did you see the headline on top of the Projo’s story about Providence’s outbreak in violent crime?
It reads: “Cell phone thefts boost crime rate in Providence”
The lead reads this way: “There was a severe outbreak of crime, especially violent crime, in the city in the first six months of 2008 compared to the same period in 2007, the FBI reported yesterday.”
No mention of cell phones. Only of VIOLENT CRIME.
Why is the Projo whitewashing this issue? Providence has been deteriorating for several years now. Gang shootings, break-ins, assaults have all increased, making our fair capital city a lot less safe than it was only a few years ago. And the Journal blames with cellphone thefts???
What is going on over there?

16 years ago

Thanks for posting this Marc. I heard the story on WPRO this morning on the news segment and there’s the Reverend talking about the fear in the “immigrant community” and that the Gov should clarify his statement.
Fear? Why? If you’re treated illegally by law enforcement officials sue them. If you’re here illegally and you’re afraid you’re going to get caught now, good. I don’t think any further clarification is needed. If you want to know more about the order, go read it. Don’t depend on the news to tell you what it says, read it for yourself.
Also interesting to hear the Reverend say that he knows of fewer children in the schools and fewer getting medical attention as a result of the order.
Hmm, now that kind of shoots holes in the liberals’ theories that there aren’t illegals here, doesn’t it.
And isn’t it interesting how it’s always about the children. The Governor is a big bully because Seamus from Ireland, who’s here illegally with his 8 kids (being a good Irish Catholic) is all scared and pulled his kids out of school, doesn’t take them to the emergency room any more and now keeps an eye on the door for police when he works his nightly bartending shift. That big, bad Governor.
With the economic mess we’re in, I’m really tempted to vote for the Democrat for Governor next time just to see how a Dem fixes all the budget issues and then to see who the liberals blame for the problems, as right now everything seems to be Carcieri’s fault. Who do they blame when they have control of the Assembly and Gov’s office?

16 years ago

Illegals and other lawbreakers should fear law enforcement.

16 years ago

“No word on whether the Panel’s members actually worked to clarify any of these misconceptions”
Or if, along with some spotty reporting by the ProJo, they have actually contributed to the “atmosphere of fear”.
I am genuinely sorry that, for a variety of reasons, people are afraid. But no clarification is needed by the Governor. The order is simple, straightforward and minimalist.

16 years ago

I heard Rev. Anderson on Dan Yorke today and it was the very same arguments and concerns raised last year when the Executive Order was issued.
The Rev. is actually a lying ecclesiastical bastard or a paid actor from Trinity Square Rep.
Either way, he isn’t fooling anyone and I find him to be really irritating.
The Rev. is also throwing fuel on the fire that many Catholics are growing increasingly tired and fed up with the diocese of Providence and its supreme being, the Bishop Tobin.
I am a devout Catholic, attend Mass 3-5 times a week, pray daily, etc,… but I find the actions of the Rev., St. Teresa’s parish and Bishop Tobin to be reprehensible and embarrassing.

16 years ago

During the Panel discussion Rev. Anderson stated the Panel listened to the complaints ,reported what they heard DID NOT VERIFY what was said . He also reported that the first question asked of the complaintants was ” How has your life changed since the Governor announced his Executive Order ” implying that something did change . Maybe there would have been an entirely different response if the question had been ” Has your life changed since the Governor announced his Executive Order “. This panel seems to be focused only on Illegal Aliens and totally oblivious to the actual task the Governor assigned them . The use of the ” Listening Sessions ” created by the Panel and their final draft only proves that the FEAR that supposedly exists in the IMMIGRANT community is being totally generated by the Illegal Alien Advocates in the communitiy and by the Advocates on the Panel . With the exception of Law enforcement members and the Governors representatives this panel could easily be named ” THE ILLEGAL ALIEN ADVOCACY PANEL “

16 years ago

While attending the Panel discussion I heard Rev. Anderson state the Panel had arranged for ” Listening Sessions “to hear the complaints about the unintended consequences of the Governor’s Executive Order . He stated they reported what they heard but DID NOT attempt to VERIFY what was said . I might mention he did not cite any instances of anyone coming forward on their own to complain . He also reported that the first question asked of the complaintants was ” How has your life changed since the Governor announced his Executive Order ” implying that something did change . Maybe there would have been an entirely different response if the question had been ” Has your life changed since the Governor announced his Executive Order “. This panel seems to be focused only on Illegal Aliens and totally oblivious to the actual task the Governor assigned them . The use of the ” Listening Sessions ” created by the Panel and their final draft only proves that the FEAR that supposedly exists in the IMMIGRANT community is being totally generated by the Illegal Alien Advocates in the communitiy and by the Advocates on the Panel . With the exception of Law enforcement members and the Governors representatives on this panel it could easily be named ” THE ILLEGAL ALIEN ADVOCACY PANEL “

Delaware Bob
Delaware Bob
16 years ago

I’m posting a little late, but ILLEGAL ALIENS should be in fear. They DON’T BELONG HERE! I can’t say the ILLEGAL ALIENS are completely to blame for the shape of our economy, but they are a BIG part of the problem. The ILLEGAL ALIENS send BILLIONS upon BILLIONS out of this Country every year, money we will NEVER see again. Does this help our economy? How about the BILLIONS the American taxpayers fork out for the ANCHOR BABIES, the schooling of them, the medical care and the list goes on, and on, and on. How about the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS paid to jail ILLEGAL ALIENS for the crimes, then the cost to deport them. Does this help our economy? Then you have these activist groups, the Catholic Church and the ACLU that want AMNESTY for these ILLEGAL ALIENS. It would be absolute suicide for this Country if AMNESTY were granted to the 20 million or so ILLEGAL ALIENS. We have more and more people out of work everyday and they want to add another 20 million to this Country? I say, “NO”! If AMNESTY were ever granted to these 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS, you can bet big money that 3 years from now, there would be ANOTHER 3-5 million ILLEGAL ALIENS demonstrating on our soil for AMNESTY. An end MUST come to this illegal immigration. The perfect tool we have so far is E-Verify. It MUST be used by ALL businesses and Government Social Services. EVERY employee must be checked! If they are illegal, they are to be dismissed! I believe it is time for all 50 States to pass a State law, like Arizona, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina and a few others. It is time for these ILLEGAL ALIENS to go back to their home Country and get… Read more »

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