Exercise your Constituent “Franking” Right

Can’t find any web reports but I heard a news report that the House has just passed the non-economic stimulus bill and the Senate was expected to act on it later today.
Do you support or oppose this bill? Let your voice be heard. Senatorial contact information below.
Senator Jack Reed: (202)224-4642. Website.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: (202)224-2921. Website.

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Steve A.
Steve A.
15 years ago

I already emailed our Senators. One thing I’ll say is Jack Reed is very good about getting back to people and stating his case. I’m curious if Sheldon will be equally attentive.

15 years ago

Our senators and reps are hardly worth the effort. Instead, I made a number of calls to the offices of Sens. Specter, Collins, and Snowe, though most of the time, their mailboxes were full (wonder why, hmm?).

Robert Balliot
15 years ago

Saying that members of congress do not have the capacity to review an 800 page bill is certainly an appeal to ignorance.
If we read things the way that we used to – individually – by candlelight – after walking uphill both ways five miles in the snow to get a book from the library – the argument might hold.
But the fact is either of these tools can be used to compare versions and text and sort out relevant information. :
It is exceptionally misleading to tell the public that members of congress, with their massive information infrastructure investment and staffs are not able to sort through 800 pages of text.

Robert Balliot
15 years ago

Again, those speaking points about the difficulty of ‘reading’ are meant for the masses of people who do not. It is simply an appeal to ignorance that does not address the content of the bill.

It also implies that members of the Democratic party are better at comprehending and using information resources than Republicans – which I think is a grossly unfair generalization.

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