The State and the Local

A quick Friday afternoon note regarding two events — one statewide and one in Tiverton — in which y’all might be (should be) interested:

  • The deadline to register for Operation Clean Government’s Public Affairs Forum, which includes a breakfast and a panel discussion, is tomorrow. The event itself is next Saturday morning.
  • Tiverton Citizens for Change has organized a “Help Clean Up Tiverton Effort” as an example of the sort of activities that residents should take up in order to improve their towns — without having to increase taxes and in a way that builds a sense of community. We’re meeting tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. at the Park and Ride across from Viti Auto Dealership on Fish Rd. (just off Rt. 24).

I’ll be at both events, liveblogging the first… and perhaps the second, if it’s possible to do such a thing.

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