Campaign Contributions: Bready to Cicilline

Under Marc’s post concerning the lawsuit filed by former Providence Tax Collector Robert Ceprano against Mayor David Cicilline et al, commenter Damien Baldino observes

I don’t know if Richard Bready is a generous contributor to the City, but he is a generous contributor to Mayor Cicilline.

Indeed. Richard and Cheryl Bready have made the following contributions to David Cicilline’s mayoral campaign.


June, 2002: $1,000
September, 2003: $500
September, 2004: $1,000
June, 2005: $1,000
March, 2006: $1,000


September, 2004: $1,000
June, 2005: $1,000
March, 2006: $1,000

For a grand total to date of $7,500. The question is, did these contributions, which had reached $5,500 by June, 2005, influence Mayor Cicilline’s decision in 2005 to waive the interest that Mr. Bready owed on an unpaid real estate tax bill?
Addendum – More Contributors, More Interest Waived
Under comments, Damien Baldino directs us to a January post on his blog, RI Republican, in which he has compiled the campaign contributions of five additional people. Not just any people but

… some of the people David Cicilline helped with their tax problems. Not surprisingly, all of them are regular contributors to Cicilline’s campaign, which currently has an ending balance of more than $600,000.
Listed below are the five individuals mayor Cicilline so graciously helped, including a list of their contributions to Mayor Cicilline and a link to their contribution history at

Well, well, well. Five more generous contributors. Five more dollops of interest waived. Coincidence? Or pattern?

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Damien Baldino
15 years ago

Monique, do you remember the people David Cicilline “advocated” for by helping to get their interest and penalties waived? On 1/26/09 I wrote an article on my blog about how the people David Cicilline “advocated” for were also major campaign contributors. Is it just me, or do you see a pattern developing?

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