Friday Afternoon Kudos

Well into the night last night, early this morning, during my morning 15 minutes, and now at lunch, I’ve been working on something with the potential to blossom into a pretty big deal, so my stack of topics to address has been growing rather than shrinking.
But the sun’s coming out, and it’s Friday afternoon, so it may be the perfect time to note a good article in the Sakonnet Times on our friend Matt Allen. The print edition has a short Q&A that doesn’t appear to be online, and given our different shades of conservatism, I found this exchange particularly interesting:

Have you ever changed your opinion on a particular subject after hearing from listeners? “Sure. I’ve gained more respect for people of faith more than anything. I used to think of religion as divisive and archaic and man-made. As you get older you realize how not in control you are of things. If I was ever in a foxhole and I needed somebody to back me up, I’d want somebody of faith sitting next to me because they believe in something bigger than themselves and being accountable to something else.”

The rest of the questions are worth reading, as well, if you can get your hands on a copy without making that long, long trip across the state.

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15 years ago

I had almost the identical change of opinion over the last few years. It coalesced after Sarah Palin was selected as McCain’s running mate.
I had been following her before that even though I am not an organized religious type but was tremendously impressed with her competence, drive and apparent view that right and wrong come 1st and party comes second. I couldn’t recall seeing anyone with that perspective and it really made me think that maybe it was her practice of an organized religion that made the difference, perhaps, by giving her the focus needed to perservere. Her general good fitness (she’s a runner) couldn’t hurt her drive and focus either.
I also think that our association of religion with the need for an organization and a practice takes away a deeper understanding which is that I think we all are religious. We just experience it and exercise it in differernt ways. For me, I find it when I am immersed in learning or creating or experiencing nature. I specifically love reason and science but lately have become interested in the Constitution to the extent that I would almost consider it to be a religious document in it’s brilliance.

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