But for Some Legislative Popo

As one might expect, Matt and my topic was the state budget and the flat tax on last night’s Matt Allen Show. By way of explanation for my opening comments, “popo” is the word that Rep. Anastasia Williams used to indicate the police when she said that the flat tax would lead her constituents to burglarize each other because if any of them — including her, a “green Nubian queen” — were to appear in the rich neighborhoods, the “popo” would swoop down. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

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joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

Anastasia Williams must be talking about those neighborhoods where Steven Brown,Jack McConnell,Charley Bakst,”Rabbi” Flam,and Klaus from Kmareka live.
I live in a NICE neighborhood where there are plenty of nonwhite people.
The unifying thing around my very middle class block is that we are ALL HOMEOWNERS AND TAXPAYERS.
Stuff that up your rectums Linda Katz and Peter Asen.

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