Putting the Politics to Music

As a production of serious musicianship, Kathleen Stewart‘s lyrics are heavy-handed and the music programmed and canned, but for a few moments of light entertainment, she does evoke some chuckles. I particularly liked “Dumbing Down Our Youth“:

Preparing kids for failure on the job.
Preparing kids to join the clueless mob.
They’ll yield to the state,
‘Cuz sheep will never debate.
We gotta help our children learn.
Before the point of no return.

Dumbing down our youth.
You know I’m tellin’ the truth.
Instead of education.
Dumbing down our youth.
You know I’m tellin’ the truth.
Instead of education.

We should take up a collection to bribe the DJ to play this song at the next Winter Solstice party of the National Education Association Rhode Island. I’m sure Crowley does an impeccable Carmen Miranda.

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