Busy Times for Right-Leaning Reformers

It’s possible, of course, that I’m more aware, this year, but perhaps there’s reason to be encouraged by the number of events that right-leaning groups in Rhode Island have been placing on the calendar in the coming weeks.

  • Saturday, August 15th: As advertised in the sidebar on the left side of your screen, the Rhode Island Republican Assembly is hosting a barbecue event in Warwick with a variety of conservative and reform speakers
  • Sunday, August 16th: The National Organization for Marriage – Rhode Island has planned an afternoon/evening picnic at Aldrich Mansion in Warwick to celebrate traditional marriage with a free concert, children’s events, and vow renewals, as well as a catered meal (requiring tickets).
  • Saturday, August 22nd: The RIGOP has scheduled a morning breakfast and presentation from RNC Chief of Staff Ken McKay (location not yet settled).
  • Wednesday, August 26th: The RI Tea Party has arranged for a free dinner with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse at the Johnston Senior Center to have (ahem) a polite discussion on matters of policy.
  • Thursday, September 10th: Grover Norquist will join the Ocean State Policy Research Institute for an evening of conversation, with details to be determined.
  • Friday through Sunday, October 2nd to 4th: The Republican National Committee Northeast Conference will be held in Newport.

All of these events are on my calendar (for liveblogging, as possible and appropriate), and I hope to see a lot of you in attendance, as well. Conservatives seem to have different aesthetic preferences, when it comes to organizing, but if we don’t begin intermingling and networking — getting to know each other — we won’t be able to stop Rhode Island from winning the states’ roll to the bottom. Part of the motivation for the creation of Anchor Rising was the contributors’ mutual feeling of isolation in this deep-blue mire; above all, that sense of Hopelessness must be remedied.

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