Picnicking with RIRA

What a place is Rhode Island.
As a matter of general impression, I wouldn’t have characterized Rhode Island much differently than my native Northern New Jersey. High-density suburban. Some areas that tilt a little more rural; some that escalate to the density of cities. I recently took a moment to fiddle with Google Earth and was actually surprised at the difference. An aerial view of Bergen County, NJ, where I grew up, is like the plant organism through a microscope, properties abutting like cells. Rhode Island has some pockets of that, but it’s almost as if the state has striven to fit more geographic diversity into the same space.
That’s been my thought as I’ve traversed Rhode Island for various purposes over the past few years, and today’s trip to the Masonic Shriners’ Family Center in Warwick for the Victory over Statism picnic of the Rhode Island Republican Assembly contributes to the impression. Here, tucked in a corner of the state that you wouldn’t expect, is a wooded park on the river:

And here gathered is a political alcove of conservatives in a deep blue state.
4:10 p.m.
In one of the selfless investments of Anchor Rising largess, I’ve upgraded technology in order to be able to post videos, which I’m currently endeavoring to do.
Andrew made a comment early on in the meeting that — with the disclaimer that we haven’t been going to these things long — it seems as if the right/reform group has begun to pick up some steam. I don’t know if the limited movement is kicking into gear or if something new is emerging. Judging from the youth of the candidates who’ve spoken, there’s reason to hope that it’s the latter.

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14 years ago

Thank you to the Anchor Rising 3, especially Justin, for making it to our first of it’s kind event. I look forward to reading your analysis. There was certainly plenty of material to work with.
I also want to thank the 14 speakers and of course, all of our guests from around the state (and a few from MA) who came out to enjoy a gorgeous afternoon at the RIRA’s “Victory Over Statism” Day BBQ Event at the Masonic Shriners Family Center this afternoon. We far exceeded even our own expectations. I’ll let you all know when our video is ready (I know you have your own, too).

Robert Paquin III
14 years ago

“I don’t know if the limited movement is kicking into gear or if something new is emerging. Judging from the youth of the candidates who’ve spoken, there’s reason to hope that it’s the latter.”
We are certainly going to try!

14 years ago

Just curious: after reading the Johnston Sun article about him yesterday, did Travis trot out his bit about women using abortion to advance themselves professionally as an applause line?
He print, he seemed proud of it.

14 years ago

*In print (we need editing in the reply box to correct our typos!)

14 years ago

No, Travis didn’t mention it. He spoke about the YRs and what they are trying to do. There’s no need to reiterate something that is self-evident.

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