Congressman Langevin’s Town Hall Has Changed Venue

Congressman James Langevin has changed the location of his town-hall meeting with constituents this week. It will be held at Warwick City Hall at same time as originally scheduled, 6 to 7 pm on Wednesday, August 19.

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15 years ago

I have received no less than four email notifications from different venues concerning the meeting location change.
With such broad mass emailings, not to dismiss Facebook and Twitter, I suspect the capacity of the city hall will be easily exceeded well before the 6PM start.
Whitehouse seems to be a moving target. He is scheduled for a Thursday night meeting but I’d bet he’s going to see the temperament of Wednesday’s crowd.
Where o where can my Patrick K. be
oh where o where can he be
with his detox over
and ledger balanced
o where o where can he be

15 years ago

It’s definitely at Warwick City Hall tomorrow, 6-7pm, though I would heavily suggest getting there much earlier. The seating capacity there is about 300.
Langevin at least isn’t a robot, and is someone you can hold a decent conversation with. Whitehouse just regurgitates talking points and hardly worth the time. Patches is probably back at rehab. It’s hard to imagine learning anything from him anyway.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

Acorn is busing people in to rush the doors early and keep out any “right wing” citizens.I heard that on Dan Yorke.It may be true or not,I don’t know,but it’s not an outlandish possibility.Supposedly,Acorn is providing a box lunch.

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