Climate Data from Foxboro
I turned on the last two minutes of today’s Patriots game, after not having taken in any broadcast communications over the previous 4-5 hours. In addition to noticing the Patriots leading 59-0, I also happened to notice it snowing in Foxboro in mid-October.
Do proponents of the theory of “climate change” not caused by natural cycles — one time known as proponents of “global warming” not caused by natural cycles — take this development to be completely irrelevant, or as evidence that government attempts to control the weather are more pressing than ever?
The Bills-Jets overtime that CBS went to after the Patriots game may be the worst quarter of football I’ve ever seen.
According to the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOOA) due to the weak El Niño in the Pacific:
The Southeastern United States will have a colder, wetter winter season this year, while warmer conditions will prevail in the Midwest and Northern U.S., according to the 2009 Winter Outlook released 15 Oct. 2009 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Forecasters are predicting warmer-than-average temperatures across much of the western and central U.S., particularly in the north-central states from Montana to Wisconsin. But occasional outbreaks of cold air are still possible.
Alaska also has a higher probability of warmer temperatures, except along its western coast.
Below-average temperatures are forecast for the Southeast and mid-Atlantic states, from southern and eastern Texas to southern Pennsylvania and south through Florida, NOAA said.
Below-average temperatures and precipitation are also predicted across the entire state of Hawaii.
Some areas of the country, such as the Northeast and California, have equal chances for above-, near-, or below-normal temperatures and precipitation, according to the forecast
2009 NOOA Winter Outlook
In Hawaii our fall temperatures are already down to 85 degrees daytime and 75 degrees at night below the 3,000 foot level. I have my comforter out for sleeping at night already.
(59 to zero?? What were they playing, a junior high school team?)
Proponents of AGW have acknowledged that temps will get cooler in the coming years. They ferociously insist, however, that a) temps will rise again after that and that b) man is responsible for the phenomenon.
Stipulating the second point for a moment, what they have not explained is how we (mankind) are supposed to stop and reverse a phenomenon when we are responsible for only 6% of the cause.
It is time to recognize “global warming” for what it is, a mania. It will not respond to rational imput, it will eventually be displaced by another mania. There is an interesting book on the subject, IIRC, “The Manufacture of Madness”.
Try to remember that “Earth Day” sprung from a desire to prevent “The coming Ice Age”. That was only 30 years ago. During the “Energy Crisis” of the 70’s, it was accepted “scientific fact” that the world’s petroleum supply would be exhausted by June 6, 1985 (I hope I have the date right).
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Bills won that game with a fifty yard field goal in over time, giving the patriots sole possession of first place in the AFC East.
How is that a bad quarter of football?
Bad football, good result. Very different things. 🙂
I smelled an El Nino Friday during the Dodgers-Phils game. Game time temp in L.A.: 93 degrees.