So is He Claiming to be Not Disconnected?

Justin references a comment by Senator Whitehouse.

To finish up, Whitehouse spoke about the apparent disconnect from reality that is exhibited by the Republican Party, whether it be about health care reform, or the climate bill, or same-sex marriage.

On all of these issues, Senator Whitehouse has indicated that he will vote “yea” if/when the corresponding bill arrives at the Senate.
Yet, less than a majority of Americans support health care reform [Rasmussen], only 35% support the cap and trade bill that passed the US House [Rasmussen] and 39% favor same sex marriage [CNN].
Just because the question is somewhat obvious does not diminish the importance of asking it. Does Senator Whitehouse purport to be “connected” to the American people with his contrary stances on these issues? (Defenders of the senator who may wish to pirouette away from the nub of the question are reminded in advance that the standard in this case has been established by the senator and is, paraphrasing, connectedness to the American people, not principle or a perception of what is best for the country.)

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14 years ago

39% favor same sex marriage, acording to a right-wing poll????
The real polls in California and Maine
(were 40 million people live)
48% and 47% were in favor of Gay marriage, and Monique knows, that IF young people voted in the same percentage as Senior Citizens, Gay Marriage would have won in both states.

Sol Venturi
Sol Venturi
14 years ago

A question for the Gay Guy in RI: This all may seem a bit clinical but bear with me if you are able. The two options are: homosexuality is either a choice of an individual’s will and personal preference or a naturally occurring (yet non-reproducible) mutation. I call it a mutation by definition since homosexuals cannot reproduce with their own kind of the same sex. I would also grant that the word mutation has some negative connotations but I am not using it in a necessarily negative way. Though it is true that homosexual men and homosexual women can procreate like heterosexuals, their strongest and preferred passions are focused toward members of their own sex. Obviously these sexual desires, when acted upon, can never result in procreation. It would then follow that if the latter were true then homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end. It happens by mutation and due to the outcome those so brought into existence are not able to procreate naturally (per their purely natural desires) and sustain their species, since the very nature of the species would not include the ability to reproduce its own kind. Granted should a homosexual male and homosexual female mate and reproduce an offspring (which I am sure has happened) there would be no necessary guarantee that the child would be homosexual. The very prospect of this happening by design sounds at best grotesque and at worst psychotic, and totally counter to the stated needs and desires of homosexuals of both sexes anyway. Now if the former were the actual and true reason for homosexual tendencies and behavior then homosexuals would be engaged in behavior that violates the norm for such passions, since procreation could never occur. I would also grant that not all heterosexual intimacy necessarily results in procreation but… Read more »

14 years ago

Dear Mr. Venturi,
Yours is the most thoughtful, composed, helpful, honest and beatifully written testimonial I’ve ever read on this, frequently all-emotional, subject.

14 years ago

lest there be any attempt to distort or misconstrue…beatifully is a typo. I meant “beautifully written”

Gay Guy in RI
Gay Guy in RI
14 years ago

Mr/Ms Venturi
Thanks, you are 100% correct.I chouse to be a homosexual August 10, 1967.
Then I lied to the folks at the Army
draft office a few months later (my mistake)
What does that have to do with my comment that,If young people voted in the same percentage as senior citizens
gay marriage would be the Law of the
Land, in California and Maine ??

14 years ago

I’ve noticed a trend – duplicate/multiple posts of liberal comments.
Could it be the limp wrist?

14 years ago

Let’s get back to the thrust of the post; Sheldon’s disconnectedness with his constituents. He has proudly voted as far to the left on every bill presented in the Senate as is humanly possible. When aked if his constituency opposed a significant bill (such as healthcare reform), he has steadfatly maintained that he would still vote yes.
Why? Presumably because he is far more informed than the unwashed masses whom he purports to represent. It seems he fancies himself the new “Liberal Lion” of the Senate now that the seat has been vacated by Teddy’s demise.
Ah, but Sheldon, ye are an easy target come 2012. We will eat you for lunch and spit out yer bones with much merriment.

14 years ago

MadMom, I wish I could be so optimistic about 2012.
You see, among the many measures by which Rhode Island tends to appear at the extreme negative end of every list, we are first in electing and returning irrational and functionally retarded people to office. RI voters have a huge tolerance for electing people who say and do really stupid things.

14 years ago

Indeed, George. But all it takes is to identify the right candidate. Times, they are a changin’, and it is time for the leaders of our community to step up to the plate and become Statesmen. Even if it takes whips.

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