A Southwestern Forum

The Rhode Island Voter Coalition is hosting a follow-up to its Meet the Candidates forum a month ago. I liveblogged from the first, the complete video is up on our YouTube channel, and I encourage all who can to attend tonight.
Among the panelists will be Michael Gardiner, who is challenging Mark Zaccaria’s claim to the Republican nomination for Congressman Langevin’s job. Gardiner expresses the shady desire for “a more ‘centrist’ Republican party, although from the limited description in the Projo article, he appears to be to the right of Zaccaria on abortion. Some speculate that he’s more of a plant to derail Zaccaria’s momentum, which would hardly be unheard of in Rhode Island.
Unfortunately, I won’t be there. In light of the meager response to our last round of fundraising, driving out to Westerly on a Thursday night, having spent the day trimming out a chilly roof deck in Newport, is a bit more than I can handle. And frankly, I simply can’t afford the gasoline for the trip.
We’ll certainly be interested in publishing any reports or commentary on the event.

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steve wright
steve wright
15 years ago

Ok turn out but it was great forum all the candidates showed Here is some raw footage

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