Some Helpful “Don’t’s” for the Holiday Season (and Throughout the Year)

What not to bring grocery shopping. [Side note: regrettably, due to England’s onerous laws regulating the movement of livestock, it will be six days before the “victim” is reunited with his flock.]
How not to effectuate a get-away should your holiday cash flow necessitate the mugging of an armored car driver.
What not to buy as a gift for that “special” female in your life (even in jest).
What not to say to airport security, no matter how tight the logic may seem. [H/T Dave Barry.]

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15 years ago

Us geeks LOVE xkcd!

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
15 years ago

I did make a comment ot Airport Security once (this was just after the were federalized and their salaries doubled)they held me long enough to miss my flight. I think I have been on some sort of “hit list” ever since. With a GF in DC, this causes problems.

15 years ago

Looks like Christopher Walker (armored car robber) deserves the Darwin award this year!
As for airport security, as much as I hate to bite my tongue, it is important to remember that they can make your travel experience miserable if they get pissed off. It can be annoying but it is best to just avoid saying much of anything to problematic security people and to remember instead that you can always call and complain later. Just remember the person’s ID info and put in a call to the supervior after your flight lands.

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