Rough Poll Numbers for Rhode Island’s Junior Senator Emerge on a Politically Interesting Day

From a poll conducted by WPRI 12.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has a favorability rating of 33 percent, with an unfavorable rating mired at 57 percent. Ten percent of those polled weren’t sure how they felt about Whitehouse. Five percent thought Whitehouse was doing an “excellent” job.

Yikes. Apparently, many Rhode Islanders who thoughfully oppose the health care reform pending on Capital Hill do not appreciate the Senator’s virulent characterization of them.
These poll results have been publicized on the same day that Scott Brown is sworn in as a Republican US Senator from Massachusetts and John Loughlin formally declares his candidacy against the Democrat incumbent Congressman from Rhode Island’s First District. Altogether, not an encouraging day for advocates of big government.

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14 years ago

Hmm, they must have called a lot of people with the last name of “Whitehouse” to get 33% to have him as “favorable”.

14 years ago

It’s still a long time until 2012.
Whitehouse reminds me of the Joe Pesci character in Goodfellas. He tries so hard to fit in the with cool crowd of insiders that he goes completely over the top and embarrasses himself.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

They must have polled RIF to get the 5%.
The real guy Joe Pesce was based on was about 6’4″ and didn’t have a “little man” complex.He was a vicious killer and thnkfully was done away with.

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