Moderate Party Kick-Off Event Video, Part 1

After the Moderate Party’s kick-off event, yesterday, Andrew and I had the opportunity to interview Gubernatorial Candidate Ken Block, Lt. Gov. Candidate Jean Ann Guliano, and Attorney General Candidate Chris Little. Here are the videos (click the extended entry for the latter two.)
A couple of quick thoughts:

  • Ken Block is more liberal than I’d thought. He’s much more comfortable with the welfare industry than one would expect from a “fiscal conservative.” Although he’ll take the easy fruit of eVerify, I’m not so confident that he’d oppose amnesty-type programs. He sees same-sex marriage as a “civil rights issue” and would vote for it. And he’s pro-choice. Interestingly, he referred to his upbringing when stating his views on abortion, as if being pro-choice is a religion into which one is raised.
  • It’s a shame that the Republicans didn’t recruit Guliano. If the GOP has no candidate, she’s got a shot, and if she were the GOP candidate, I think her chances would have been good.

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14 years ago

“Ken Block is more liberal than I’d thought.”
HA HA HA HA! On the other blog, he and his party have been ridiculed as “another Republican” and “conservative”. So, just like the complaints against the ProJo, when both sides complain, I guess you really are in the middle, or “Moderate”.
“If the GOP has no candidate…”
My hope is the GOP can get behind Bob Healey, as his candidacy makes the most sense.

14 years ago

Ok, I just watched the first two videos, and on Ken, I sure as heck hope they don’t use a rhinoceros as their party’s symbol. I can’t think of anything worse for this choice than them claiming to be a R(h)INO.
I also have to disagree with your “religion” assertion in Ken’s answer about abortion. I think that’s the messenger putting his own answer in there. I heard him say he grew up pro-choice. I didn’t hear anything more there. I grew up pro-Democrat, I grew up pro-Red Sox, I grew up pro-American and anti-Russian, but I wouldn’t say any of those is my “religion”.
Jean Ann, I saw nothing in there that makes me want to support her as the Lieutenant Governor. She’s basically saying she wants to be a conservative lobbyist. Great! Or she should be running for an Assembly seat. That’d be great too, her views on things would be great to add to the Assembly. But she says she wants to work with Ken or a conservative Governor on her views on what will be best for the state, or if her views are in conflict with the sitting Governor, it’ll make her job harder. Harder to do what exactly? She can’t sponsor legislation, she can’t sign anything into effect, what will she do? Lobby people to do things? Why not run for Assembly and actually *DO* things?

14 years ago

E-Verify is becoming a nationally known removal symbol, that the federal government introduced against unscrupulous employers who hire illegal labor. Most Liberal Democrats and even Republicans have tried to use their influence, to hide it from public attention. In partnership with certain members of our corrupt government, unions, the church and other groups sympathetic to the illegal alien cause or plain money economics, have used deceit, under funding or the off-switch, to dispose of the computer application. Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi was the epitome of deception and nearly managed to table it in the Senate. Like any law that trespasses on business profits, E-Verify has been ascertained as full of errors and was worthless. It might have been to the advantage of pariah companies, but not to the 15 million Americans out-of-work. I’m an Independent, but I have thrown my lot in with the tea-baggers, hoping to rid the political parties of raw CORRUPTION. Think on this! We are told we don’t have the money to deport the 20 to 30 million already here? But states like SANCTUARY CALIFORNIA and across our nation, seem to locate the money for education, free health care treatment, prisons and a hundred and one hidden subsidies, that are denied to American’s poor in many instances. Time and again, you will read that the PC run program is derogatory to citizens and green card holders alike, when if a E-Verify job applicant is rejected he can assert his rights at the Social security building in his community. SIMPLY STATING THAT NOBODY WITH INELIGIBLE DOCUMENTATION, WILL STAY AT A DISTANCE FROM THE SSA OFFICES. This is obviously not spelled out in the liberal press, associated websites or even negative bloggers comments. The Fact is they don’t want to divulge the truth, to the general public… Read more »

Justin Katz
14 years ago

I’d thought you more insightful than to think that RIFuture and Anchor Rising lie at roughly equal distances from the political center. It only appears that way because neither RIFuture’s funding nor Anchor Rising’s intellectual interest have brought a right-wing blog comparable to RI Future on the right. (It’s actually a complaint that I hear quite a bit from those to my political right, as well as those who are more partisan Republicans).
Regarding the “growing up” interpretation. Do you really not see that “growing up” believing that it is morally acceptable to kill unborn children in the womb is more like “growing up” believing that it is not morally acceptable to do so than like “growing up” with a practiced preference for a political party or sports team?

14 years ago

It is true that AR is closer to the middle than RIF, quite often.
As for the “growing up”, it was more your reference to “religion” that I disagreed with. The way I heard him say it was more to say that he’s always believed in choice, that he’s not someone who has recently, or at any time, changed his mind on the topic.

14 years ago

And I should also say that the “HA HA” wasn’t laughing *at* you, I just find it funny when I read the two blogs and they have exact opposite opinions about some of the same things, like “projo is so liberal” and “projo is so conservative”. I just find different peoples’ viewpoints on the same thing to be interesting.

Justin Katz
14 years ago

Well, that’s part of the strategy of the leftists and unionists. If they say something outrageously far left and people compare it with something somewhat to the right, then the center moves halfway in their direction, in the views of some readers.

14 years ago

Not too far to the left of Ken Block appears to be Rosie O’Donnell in this picture.

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