More on Hoss Radbourn

I recently mentioned Ed Achorn’s book on Hoss Radbourn, Fifty-nine in ’84. Now, WRNI’s Ian Donnis has an interview with Achorn up. Radbourn had 59 wins in 1884 and pitched almost every game for the Providence Grays that year. Good stuff.

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14 years ago

It would really be amazing to see what the game truly looked like in those days with the poor equipment and smaller players. It’s probably no wonder that guys could throw 800 innings a year when bats weighed more than 40 oz and only used one ball all game and it was legal to do anything you wanted to the ball.
Ahh, the good old days.
Hey, is there any truth to the rumor that Old Time Lefty was a batboy with the Grays?

14 years ago

Achorn still needs to come clean about his knowledge of his wife’s (Valerie Forti) fraudulent activities at the Education Partnership. Changing the subject to baseball, or any other mom and apple pie subjects, doesn’t cut it.

14 years ago

Hey Bill, I’m guessing you were distraught over that whole Ted Kennedy funeral thing a few months ago, eh? A great American statesman right? But umm, did he ever “come clean” about that whole Mary Jo Kopechne thing?
Yeah, sometimes it is ok to talk about other things in a person’s life.

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