Busy Week

Three questions about what is happening at the Rhode Island Statehouse this week…

  1. Given that a Constitutional referendum on the expansion of gambling looks to have been fast-tracked, will the referendum be simply a yes-or-no decision on the casino, with all of the details to be decided by the legislature later, as at least one early report from Katherine Gregg of the Projo seems to suggest…
    Asked how quickly Twin River could become a casino, and how much it expected to pay the state on its new offerings, [Twin River spokeswoman Patti Doyle ]said: “With respect to timing and tax rate, we remain focused at this juncture on receiving voter feedback on the will to expand gaming at Twin River. All other issues will be explored should the ballot question win voter approval.”

  2. Will the Senate take up the ethics reform amendment (h/t Ian Donnis of WRNI 1290AM) that has already been passed by the House, restoring the State Ethics Commission’s jurisdiction over state legislators to the scope that Rhode Island voters intended in 1986? Or will the Senate leadership team of Teresa Paiva-Weed and Daniel Connors refuse to let the ethics bill be voted on, because they believe that a code of ethics that prohibits the casting of votes based on bribes or other personal financial gain will overly impede the normal operation of the Rhode Island legislature?
  3. Will a funding formula for education be passed? Is the Rhode Island Department of Education plan still the favorite, and how might it be combined with pieces of the Gallo plan (such as the hold-harmless provision regarding aid-changes) or the Ajello plan (such as more more more for current big-aid recipients)?

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14 years ago

” Or will the Senate leadership team of Teresa Paiva-Weed and Daniel Connors refuse to let the ethics bill be voted on, because they believe that a code of ethics that prohibits the casting of votes based on bribes or other personal financial gain will overly impede the normal operation of the Rhode Island legislature?”
Hahahahahahacoughcoughcoughahem. Pardon me.
Legislative dirty work to be done on another issue important to Rhode Island? Sounds like the perfect opportunity for another voice vote. Ah, to have the selective … er, exquisite hearing of a RI General Assembly leader.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
14 years ago

Stop blaming noxious Weed or the Fox in the Hen-House.
Put the blame on the idiots who since 1934 have elected the jackass party of cronies/communists/leeches in EVERY GA election and-breaking news-will continue to do so.
The people of this state deserve EXACTLY what they get.

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