Seasons Change

Surely family schedules had more to do with it than the less whimsical shifts of nature, but New England’s famed “foliage season” had a mythical quality, when I was still an adolescent Jersey boy. Actually, “mythical” is not quite right, because I’d had some experience of it and, of course, New Jersey lacks neither trees nor seasons. But in our periodic visits to my grandfather’s house in southern Vermont, it seemed we were typically disappointed to find either that the trees had not yet begun to turn or had already moved past their most florid days.
This autumn, I’ve been working alternately on job sites in Little Compton, Tiverton, and Newport, so I’ve had almost daily experience with that certain quality of light shining off water and through leaves that seem only more fully alive in the shades of their dying. Turn a corner or overtake a hill at just the right moment and your face contorts and breath constrains in the same sensation that accompanies — as the cliché advises — setting free the one you love in the hopes that she or he will return more surely yours.
Now we enter the long gray season of chills and ruddy cheeks. Sweaters and the felt knowledge that the sun will view us only askance. There’s no need for despondence in that forecast. Even apart from the holidays scheduled as lighted way stations through the late fall and winter — Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day — the season has its unique sense and, therefore, justifies daily gratitude that we are creatures of sensation.
The political parallels to be found in our moment in Rhode Island history are obvious, but let it suffice for me to observe how wonderful a place the state is in which to live. Complain as we might about those with whom we must share it, worry as we do that the state demands an economic premium that translates into a daily struggle for many of us just to get by, we ought not wish away the time or fail to appreciate the moment that we’ve been given for the very simple reason that we’ve been given it, and the moment is ours.
On the coldest of days, what sets us aright is warmth, and the surest warmth comes from within. We can find it whether the opportunity flows over us as waves on the August shoreline or brushes our cheeks as fiery falling leaves or nips at our noses in crisp frozen air. The Earth laid bare is a sight to see, with the intricacies of stone and bark. Just so, our vulnerabilities dance in the air as smoke from strangers’ chimneys and the moist, visible heat that our breath dispenses as a message of the fire stirred by heart and lungs.

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13 years ago

Just when I think I’m out, he drags me back in.
Well done, sir.

13 years ago

Aw Justin wudya hafta go an do dat for?
(fireman lingo just for you Mikey)

Justin Katz
Justin Katz
13 years ago

Really, Tim? Are you unable to restrain yourself?

13 years ago

Well said Justin. This state is so beautiful. Was driving down Matunuck Beach Rd a couple of weeks ago. Stonewalls and fields on both sides with pumpkins littering the ground of a pumpkin patch and foliage lining the back of the farmlands. A painting waiting to happen. There are beautiful landscapes and seascapes to be found everywhere around here.

13 years ago

“Really, Tim? Are you unable to restrain yourself?
When it comes to Mike why would I want to restrain myself Justin?? No one takes themselves more seriously than Mike does. Tweaking the legends in their own mind crowd is sport and fun sport at that.

13 years ago

I think Tim has a crush on me.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Coming here on a transfer after 8 years in Chicago was an amazing change of scene,and reminded me of coming back fom Nam to an 18 month assignment at Pease AFB in New Hampshire.Both times I got to experience four seasons again.
This state is gifted with scenery,both nautical and rural,and historic towns.
And cursed with venemous,disgusting politicians.

13 years ago

Katsey, you are one unique cat. “Aright”? Really? “Aright”?!

13 years ago

What else could possibly follow “A Sense of Doom in Rhode Island?”
Bravo. I’ll set the alarm for tomorrow now.

13 years ago

“I think Tim has a crush on me.”
You would.

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