Invitees to Gov-Elect Chafee’s Budget Summit

List courtesy WPRI’s Ted Nesi. The summit takes place this Friday at RI College; Nesi provides schedule and format details here.

John Simmons, Executive Director, Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council
Robert Flanders Jr., Chairman of the Board of Regents
Ray M. Di Pasquale, Commissioner of Higher Education
Elizabeth Roberts, Lieutenant Governor (tentative)
Anne Nolan, President of Crossroads
George Nee, Executive Director, AFL-CIO
Helena Buonanno Foulkes, EVP and CMO at CVS Caremark
Kimberly McDonough, President, Advanced Pharmacy Concepts
Scott Avedisian, Mayor of Warwick
Diane Mederos, Bristol Town Administrator, President of RI League of Cities and Towns
Scott Wolf, Grow Smart RI
Pablo Rodriguez, Assoc. Chair of Community Relationships

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14 years ago

A baby killer, Pig boss and Liz Roberts at a “Budget Summit”?? lol
Gov. Gump’s version of Hope and Change here in RI.

14 years ago

Flanders is the only person on the panel who may actually say what needs to be said; the rest will offer-up what they do best: political rhetoric.

David S
David S
14 years ago

Tim- Do not let the door hit you on the way out. It probably will not. Such is the way of slippery weasels.

Scott Bill Hirst
Scott Bill Hirst
14 years ago

1. Who are the economists in this group?
2. While were not more municipal officials included? One from the small, intermediate, and large cities. Bristol can be listed as a large town by rI standards.
3. The Governor-Elect should at one point invite people from groups like the tea party,OSPRI, and Operation Clean Government. These groups seem to be missing. Politics does not necessarily mean agreement or shared goals.
However these groups have support, and an independent Governor especially needs to show interest interest in both major parties Democrat and Republican. Since the Dems are by far the dominant party and the Governor-Elect has given high profile positions to two former Dem. Lt. Governors, it will be interesting to what effect non Democrats will have influence.

allyn Grant
allyn Grant
13 years ago

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